Thursday 26 May 2005

Griffin needs some physio etc

With the big boys away until the end of the week-end Griffin and I are alone
for that time. I am looking forward to this, because poor Griff gets the short end of the stick a lot of the time. Quinn wants to be in charge and in front all the time, so Griffin tends to be pushed to the side-lines and a little forgotten
sometimes, so him and I are going to do our own fun things and bonding too. Starting tonight with going to gym with friends (Beryl with Max & Amber etc) and then to Panarotti's for dinner.

At the recent parent teacher interviews we were told that Griffin seems a bit slow physically in some areas, and we were recommended to take him to a physio for an assessment. We have known that his speech is not brilliant, which we think was caused initially by his tonsil problems, which caused his palette to be painful. But this hasn't totally improved since having the tonsils out.

Anyway the physio appointment was yesterday. The physio was very sweet. She was hoping that Griffin would be happy to be assessed without me in the room, but wasn't too hopeful it would happen. She was quite surprised at how confidently he was happy to separate from me - but he has always been like that. I could hear them interacting in the next room. Her conclusion at the end of the assessment was that while she doesn't think he is bad, there are a few areas where he is a bit behind (like balance, and hand-eye co-ordination), and she'd like to see him weekly for a term, because she is pretty sure that will help him to catch up.

I had recently started noticing that he is doing less than Quinn was at the same age. he also often says he is too small to do things and won't even try. he gets quite adamant about not doing stuff too. Between the teacher, physio and I we have realised that a large part of it is self-confidence and drive to do the things, they are also guessing that because something are also a bit hard for him to do he just avoids them altogether. Poor thing. so we are now focusing on lots of praise and encouragement and getting him to do things independently of Quinn and not feeling pressured about them.

We'll also need to take him to a speech therapist to see if we need to get something done about the nasal bubbly way he talks...

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