Sunday 11 December 2005


We went off to see the Shaolin - Wheel of Life show at Spier on Saturday night and it was spectacular! We had front row seats, and were a meter or 2 away from the stage, in fact Richard even had to move his feet a few times to allow the monks to run past when they filtered through the isles a few times...

From the fabled Shaolin Temple, deep within the forest at the foot of the Shaoshi Mountain in China, come the legendary Buddhist Shaolin Monks, the acknowledged founders of kung-fu.

The name Shaolin is synonymous with the most extraordinary feats of discipline, strength and courage. The popularity of kung-fu grows each year, with films like Kill Bill, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and The Matrix all drawing upon the martial art originally created at the Shaolin Temple. This show is the legend made real.

Shaolin Monks In a crescendo of kung-fu sequences displaying speed, precision and impeccable co-ordination, the Shaolin Monks are lifted aloft on sharpened spears, splinter wooden blocks with their hands, are sandwiched between beds of nails and knives, and fly through the air in a series of incredible backflips and spins.

Featuring 25 Monks, the youngest of which is just 7, this is fun and spectacular entertainment for the whole family, which will leave you flabbergasted.
I am certain that the youngest member they had on stage was around 5 years old as he was far smaller and younger looking than Quinn. He was amazingly flexible and agile and almost stole the show. I really enjoyed it both from a physical ability point of view and it's spirituality and inspirational qualities. It was well worth going to.

The control, strength, balance and discipline (physical and mental) these guys have is really impressive. I would love to have that level of awareness and control over my body...

Quinn really enjoyed it too and was freshly inspired, he put on his karate suit (gee) and watched his Shaolin video the next morning ;)

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