Monday 5 December 2005

We are going to see the Shaolin Monks!

I have been very inspired and in awe of the East for a long time. The ideas of Zen, Buddism, Tao and Hinduism too, make a lot of sense to me...

I love Thailand (and all things Thai) and indeed all of South East Asia. My favorite movies include Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hero and House of Flying Daggers. I would love to travel to China, Tibet, Cambodia, Vietnam and Japan etc too.

In Dec 2003 we happened to be watching TV one day when they showed the Shaolin Monks -Wheel of Life show. We were all cpativated by it, especially Quinn would at 3+ years wtahced the entire show enthralled and saying he wanted to learn how to do that!

As a result Quinn has been learning Karate for 2 years now. The first year with Little Dragons, and this year with the Samaurai studio. - Yes I know Karate is not Kung Fu, but I figure at 5 years old it is close enough and once he has learned balance, strength and flexibility, and discipline he can always move on to Kung Fu if he wants to. We have actually found a local Kung Fu Do Jo anyway...

Amazingly the Wheel of Life show came to SA for a week last year, but we only found out the week it was on, and it was only in Johnanesburg (1200km away) and Richard was away that week. So even though I considered flying up to see it, we never did and missed it. I did e-mail the organisers and BEG them to do a Cape Town show though. But I got no response.

On Saturday I was enjoying a post Christmas shopping mayhem coffee and glancing through a Saturday paper when I saw a Shaolin article, I read futher and saw that they are at Spier in Stellenbpsch this week. I quickly booked and Richard, Quinn and I are going this Saturday. We have decided not to take Griffin because it's quite expensive, and only starts at 8:30pm, so he will no doubt be asleep at the time...
I am so looking forward to it - only 3 sleeps to go!

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