Wednesday 11 January 2006

School Daze

With just a week to go before Quinn officially starts school, I thought it would be a good idea to try his uniform on, to make sure that we have everything and that is all fits. We were very eager and bought everything in mid-October. I was careful not to buy anything too tight fitting as I am sure he'll be doing some growing over the next year, so most sizes are for age 7 as the age 6 items seemed already a bit snug.

Quinn has grown up wearing only comfortable clothes and almost always informal clothes, so the change to a pretty formal and strict dress code is going to be tough I can tell. Admitedly we did try the clothes on after 9pm last night, so he was rather tired anyway, but my goodness. Nothing was right, and he complained about everything except the shorts.

* The shoes are too hard, he doesn't like the heel, and he want's more vertical room for his toes (note that I bought the more expensive and more comfortable looking type!). They may be a size too big though, so I might have to try again with those - the label is still on them.
* The shirt is fine until you try to button up the last button on the neck. Then OMG he goes all panicked and wants the whole shirt of *NOW*! he just hates the feel of the collar against his neck. We have tried washing the shirts to see if the collar will soften a bit, but he still reacts the same... I decided to leave the button undone and just support it with a ties, but he won't let me tighten the tie enough to even get close to bringing the shirst collar together. Either we are going to have a battle about this, or I will let the school deal with him on it! *efg* Hopefully with peer resssure and the requirement to conform he will get used to this and submit.
* The socks are too tight, too long, he can feel the seem on his toe, and if you fold them over at the toe (because they are a little big) they 'HURT'.
* The tie is fine as long as it is on loose and scruffy *rolls eyes*
* the Blazer - ok he loves the blazer and would happily wear it every day :)

I noticed his hair is a little long and shaggy, so we'd better fit a hair cut into the schedule for the next week. This whole school thing is a bit daunting for me. At preschool the rules are pretty flexible, now we have to really toe the line. I hope we are ready!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute pic, Jane! He looks like your typical "William" or "Jennings" in school uniform!

    I guess you have a rebel on your hands :-)
