Tuesday 10 January 2006

Secrets Revealed

I normally don't bother with these polls anymore after participating in dozens via e-mail years ago, but I have decided to give this one a go.

1. Given a homeless guy more than R5? Yes, but I generally don't hand out money to beggars. I prefer to help people who are trying to help themselves, and support a particularly happy and polite man, who is doing the best he can to make a meagre living at a traffic light selling fudge. I'll buy from him whenever I stop there and usually pay extra.

2. Spent more than R500 on a bf/gf's gift or a night out? Yes certainly!

3. Had sex with more than one person in a day? er, *thinks*, No. Whew.

4. Hooked up with a good friends bf/gf behind their back? Never

5. Dated two people at once? No not really.

6. Actually met someone that you met online that you didn't know before? Yes loads of people! Including my husband *blush* (and it was 10 years ago before THAT became a fad).

7. Been raped? THANKFULLY NOT

8. Failed more than one class? NO, I did fail Calculus 228 the first time I tried it, but then aced it with 94% the second time.

9. Took someone's virginity when you weren't a virgin? No (not yet) ;)

10. Hooked up with someone from a different race? No, but I have socialised with lots of people from different races.

11. Ran around naked outside in the daytime/night time? YES!!!!

12. Scuba dived? No, but I'd love to.

13. Snorkled? YES, off Raya Island, South of Phuket in Thailand. It was fantastic, and I'd love to go back for more. There were stunning tropical fish nibbling my fingers.

14. Dated someone you didn't want your friends to meet? No

15. Got your stomach pumped from alcohal poisoning / drugs etc? No, I know how to manage my substance intake.

16. Threw up from alcohol? Yes, occasionally I have thrown up from various substances. It's my body's way of dealing with anything it is not enjoying.

17. Been suspended from school? No, but I got into trouble a few times. Including being sent out of a classfroom for being noisey and disruptive an hour before starting school on the first day of grade 1!!!

18. Kissed someone of the same sex? Yes, but not in that way.

19. Wore no underwear? OFTEN

20. Paint anyone's toenails? Yes, mine and my kid's.

21. Met someone famous? Yes. Mark Shuttleworth (does that count?), Corne & Twakkie, David Hasslehoff (vomit), Patricia Lewis (double vomit), Sol Kerzner, Elizabeth Hurley (served her in a restaurant in Pretoria), James Small and Christina Storm (at a sushi making evening), George Bizos (very intelligent and interesting man), .

22. Saved someone's life? No, but I have helped a few injured people.

23. Seen someone die? Yes, sadly, a little girl whose head I held on my lap after she was involved in a car accident just outside the flat I lived in, died after the ambulance arrived. She was only 7 years old. I was 19 and found it devastatingly sad.

24. Killed someone? THANKFULLY NOT YET, but I have wanted to!

25. Been in a physical fight? Yes, with my sisters.

26. Hooked up with someone 10yrs older or younger than you? Yes, several times. I am married to someone exactly 10 years older, to the day, now.

27. Been arrested? No, I don;t get caught.

28. Spent the night in jail? No.

29. Been in more than three car accidents in a year? No, luckilly I have never been in a car accident - unless the famous 'Pineapple Pudding Incident' and running over my own hand with my car count...?

30. Had sex outside? Yes, who hasn't?

31. Given or gotten road head? Yes

32. Had sex in your house when your/his/her parents were home? Yes

33. Had phone sex? Yes

34. Been turned off by someone's personal hygiene "down there"? eeeeeuuuuw! No - thankfully!

35. Watched Jerry Springer? Yes, but never again. Arrrgh save me!

36. Had sex without a condom? Yes, of course I have children!

37. Had a one night stand? Yes, a couple. I wouldn't recommend them. The one guy was a total bastard, the other just wasn't going to work out, even though we stayed friendly. I prefer a more meaningful relationship.

38. Flirted with a teacher? Yes, a young hot prof at varsity. was totally innocent.

39. Had sex on the beach? Yes, it wasn't great, in the ocean is much more fun ;)

40. Watched porn with someone else? Yes.

41. Been fired from a job? No never.

42. Danced on top of a bar? Yes, but not often, I passed up an opportunity recently in Montreal - there were too many cameras around!

43. Had sex somewhere in your high school? No, it was an all girl's school...

44. Bought a vibrator? No (but I have had them bought for me)

45. Been in a porn shop? Yes, alone and accompanied.

46. Been in a dance competition? No, but I did do a few ballet exams when I was little.

47. Had a threesome? Nope.

48. Spent more than one night in a hospital? No never. I had express deliveries with my kids - gave birth and went home a few hours later.

49. What color are your kitchen plates? I have lots of different plates, the nicest ones are white with green and blue designs.

50. What book are you reading now? I just read Ben Elton's 'High Society'. Before that 'Eleven Minutes' by Paul Coello.

51. Favorite magazine? FHM! The SA version really rocks. The UK and US versions are not as good. The women's mags here suck however.

52. Baked Goods? Um, not often but I like anything with almonds or other nuts, and chocolate croissants. I also like Milk Tart and Carrot Cake.

53. What's the first thing you think of in the morning? Do I have to work today?

54. How many rings before you answer the phone? As long as it takes to hear and find the phone, and I hate answering the phone.

55. Favourite TV shows? The L Word, Nip/Tuck, House, Survivor, The Amzing Race, Days (Not the 'of our lives' version!), Fear Factor, Las Vegas, The Most Amazing Show, Desperate House Wives,.

56. Ketchup or mustard? Neither, I do copious amounts of sweet chilli sauce on everything now.

57. Hamburgers or Hot dogs? Hamburgers I guess, but I'd rather have a wrap, or chinese/thai food.

58. The best place you have ever been? Thailand. I love love loved it! Take me back there.

59. The most amazing sight? Seeing my children just born. The reclining buddha in Bangkok. Bangkok's Patpong Road at night. Sunsets and lightning from Karon Beach Phuket. The MCQP attendees each year!

60. What wall paper is on your computer right now? Normally a photo of my kids, but it's the controversial default installed 'Edubuntu girl' at the moment.

That's it.

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