Tuesday 7 February 2006

Gastro Sprint

So the Distro Sprint I have just been at could have been called the Gastro Sprint, with almost everyone coming down with a terrible gastro-like bug. It made it very not fun.

Jonathan Riddell summed the sprint up pretty well saying we were 'locked in a bland hotel in a bland part of London ... and told to work on things in return for Amarulla (sic).'
I for one could have actually done with getting The Plague (TM), as I had no respite to gorging on hotel food, which I am now regretting. All I got was lethagy and tiredness. Yay.

Despite dutifully dragging my ass out of bed early and going to the hotel gym about 6 times I ate FAR more than I should have and far more than I ever usually eat, including indulging in cheese and pastries etc. The worst part of it is that much of the food wasn't even that great, so it wasn't even worth it really. It was just something to do aside from work. BLAH.

I now have to get my body used to NOT eating every 2 hours and get rid of the craving for refined surgars.

I managed a quick run earlier and am planning to run to and from yoga later. I can't wait to streeeetch again. It will help me on my way to feeling healthy and like myself again.

I hate the bloated and sluggish feeling.

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