Friday 3 February 2006

I am a survivor!

Although I did not take part in Fear Factor in the end, which is frankly a good thing considering how insane the current local series is, I have survived the 'London Distro Sprint Plague of Death'!

Yay me!

The following documents the progression of the plague, through the sprint daily reports I sent to Ubuntu-Devel-Announce - also on the Fridge.

"Sadly today was beset with illness, as a deadly plague struck the majority of the Distro Team incapacitating them for most of the day.

At one point we were down to a valiant team of 6 (out of a total of 16) - who so far have evaded the evil attack. Luckily the team fought back strongly and most are on the mend. (Flowers, Get-well-soon cards, stuffed toys, chocolates, alcohol, electronic gadgets, money etc gratefully accepted!)"

Even the relentless Matt was struck, and even though he true-to-form fended the disease off with more speed and impressive efficiency than anyone else he was caught napping on the job! Shock and horror! ;)

"This is Jane Weideman reporting for **Distro Sprint News**.

In the aftermath of the Distro Plague of Death the score is now.
Plague vs Survivors - 12:6

In response to the rumours, I can confirm with a fair level of certainty that Paul Sladen is in fact *not* the cause of this particular outbreak, as he has not been present - however I know he has been in the vicinity of London so it can't be fully ruled out ;).

Most of the team members are now recovered enough to be hard at work again. "

"This is today's installment of **Distro Sprint News**.

After hearing the news of the Distro Sprint 'Plague of Death' Paul Sladen could not keep himself away, and has joined us in our den of infirmity.

In related news, 'the plague' seems to be fairly widespread across the charming place that is, the UK in winter. Not only have half the hotel staff and other guests had it, it has now even caught the attention of the BBC. [1][2][3][4]. Clearly while Linux itself may remain steadfastly
virus free, it's developers are not as resilient to attack."

[4] "

Clearly this thing means business, and I am lucky to have survived realatively unscathed. I have 'outlasted' it and 'fear is evidently not a factor for' me :P

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