Friday 10 February 2006

I gave way to censorship

I have been posting my photos on flickr for a few months now. I think it's a fantasic site, and a great way to share pictures and anecdotes with friends, family and other strange people...

However, sometimes those strange people seem to be more strange than you'd like... I happened to browse through my photos in order of most viewed earlier. Unsurprisingly my Edubuntu cake sits at the top with 2006 hits - because it has an Ubuntu tag...

What was a little surprising was to find a pretty innocent photo of Griffin bathing with over 1400 views... hrm. I looked a bit more closely and a vague murkey outline of little boy genitals is visible through the pretty opaque water. It is similar to this picture. Had the views been more proportionate I would not have taken issue at all, but the dispartity between the number of views of this picture and most of my others was quite startling.

It didn't feel right, and although I was a bit conflicted because censorship is not my style, I decided it would be best to remove it.

Get your thrills somewhere else sickos!

1 comment:

  1. We had to do the same with a pic of our boys - it logged up about 30000 hits - completely disproportionate to my other photos. Sick bastids.
