Friday 17 March 2006

Camping it up.

We are going camping this week-end. I am really looking forward to it. :)

I have always enjoyed camping - I am not one of those girls that needs hair-dryers and mirrors and luxury (not that I don't gladly accept pampering and luxury when it does come along! But I don't NEED it), I am quite happy to rough it up and sleep on the floor. I do prefer flush toilets and hot water when possible, but I have succesfully camped without both before and that was fun too.

Luckilly Richard is a bit more fussy about his sleeping conditions (ala the princess and the pea) so we normally end up with nice firm air mattress, fluffy pillows and duvet etc. I am not complaining, and I do admit it does make it much more comfortable than rolling around on sticks and stones all night with a rolled up t-shirt for a pillow! :)

We went camping early in January, and are going to the same place again (Chapman's Peak Caravan Park) this week-end, because we had such a lovely time last time. With the Argus Cycle Tour crowds gone, and the Easter crowds not yet arrived, it should be nice and quiet there too. Perfect.

We camp very simply, partly by choice, and partly bacuse we have very little camping gear so don't have much option anyway. I like that we don't have much and therefore just relax and *be*. It means we are not worrying about anything and can just leave the kids to get on with it. There's no moaning about messing food or spilling juice, or toys being left scattered around and broken or untidy, or laundry or wet towels on the floor (you get the idea) and everyone just does what they want to.

The kids tend to pretty much dissappear and have a ball being adventurous and making friends, leaving us to read and relax or take a stroll etc. Bliss!

We eat simply and snack rather than producing big extravagant meals too.

There's a lovely farm village (Noordhoek Farm Village) a short walk a way which is fab for Breakfast or Tea too, and it is close to some nice beaches if the weather is good and the fancy takes us.

We are only leaving on Saturday morning though, because tonight we are meeting up with a group of friends for Strawberry Daquiris, Chicken Wings and a few games of 30-seconds. It should be fun.

But please can I be in the men's team this time?! Because the women always dither too much and don't take it seriously enough, and my competitive nature get's irked!

Update: The Daquiris were sweet and strong and 30-Seconds was great. We did end up playing ladies v.s. Men and we beat them 2-games to 1 :) The ladies tried much harder than last time, and I managed to successfully describe all 5 words several times. Yay!

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