Monday 6 March 2006

It's getting hot in here,

so take off all your clothes...
I am getting so hot I'm gonna take my clothes off!
(As the song goes - and it's very apt today)

Cape Town is cooking today - the forecast as 41 degrees, my weather widget was on 37 degrees at 12pm, and take a look at my thermometer - which is in the shade and in a breeze on the windows sill. It feels like we are inside an oven!
I just went for a quick swim to cool down, and am now working in bikini - so there!

This is quite a contrast to last week, when I wore a long sleeve vest, long sleeve shirt and jersey on Wednesday evening, and boots and a coat on Friday. Weird.

Update: It get's worse! this is what my thermometer looks like at 4pm... *melt*

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