Wednesday 8 March 2006

Quinn can play chess

For Quinn's first term of school he has chosen the following extramurals: Mini-Tennis, Chess and Park-Cricket.

He wanted to do Judo, and pottery as well, but those had substantial additional costs - which I was not too keen on after already coughing up for a brand new school uniform (blazer, shoes, jersey, 2x ties, 3x shirts, 3x shorts, 3x pairs of socks, school hat, school bag, homework and lunch bag!), sports wear (3 x white shorts, 2x black shorts, 3x white shirts, 3x sports socks, pair of takkies, school swimsuit, house coloured athletics shirt and school tracksuit) and after care clothes (3x navy blue shorts, 3x navy blue shirts), paying school and aftercare fees, and the stationery and other requisite paraphernalia! Whew there is a lot of stuff to get for school and it costs a lot of money! To be honest I don't know how single income families cope - but I digress. Also I thought he should not be too overloaded in the first term. There needs to be enough time for general horsing around too!

He is enjoying both the tennis and cricket, but on the days he doesn't do sport I have found he is more interested in watching the older children do their home work, colouring-in, trading Yu-Gi-Oh cards (UGH!) or playing with lego or other constructions sets, or creative or quiet games rather than just pushing and shoving on the play ground like many of the other kids. Ocassionally he will join one of the more organised football or cricket games on the play ground - especially with the older children.

He definitely seems to prefer more measured and controlled activity than just being part of general mayhem (except at home, where he seems to think it's fine!) ;)

He has been keen on the idea of chess, ever since seeing Wizard's Chess on Harry Potter. We tried to enrol him in the beginners chess course, but it was full and he didn't get in. I decided to send him off to the regular session anyway, since he wanted to do chess. I didn't think it would work out though and I was going to try for the beginners course again next term.

Well, he has been for 4 lessons now, and 2 nights ago I decided to set our chess board up and see what he can do... I took it very slow and made obvious errors and played into him. At times I made a silly move, putting my pawn for instance in danger, but not paying atention, and he saw that I had also risked my queen (which I hadn't even noticed) and took her. OUCH. He ended up taking every single one of my pieces (save the king), so I declared him the winner.

Last night I set up the board again. I decided to take it a little more seriously, so was still discussing pros and cons of moves with him and helping him a little, but the blighter got everyone of my pieces again! leaving only my King wondering around the board all by his loney self. ;( Dang.

So now all bets are off. I have got to beat this child... or give back my primary school chess trophy! :)

Update: Yeah I beat him! But he didn't make it easy and very nearly foiled my evil plan. He now knows my 4 knight opening, and how to check mate with Rooks and a Queen. Hopefully he'll slaughter his buddies at chess today! ;)


  1. Wow that's awesome!!! WTG Quinn :)

    Quintus is more into the mayhem than structured activities at the moment :)

  2. What a great story! I'm waiting for him to start winning trophies!

    This afternoon I'm going to be helping with a "beginning chess" class at our local library. They call it "Chess Mates."

