Sunday 16 April 2006

Happy Easter

It's Easter Sunday, and the Easter bunny has just been to visit!

<-- Here's a card Quinn made at school for us.

The morning has been fun so far, but now that ridiculous amounts of chocolates have been consumed I think the serenity is about to end... help!

Quinn came out with 2 funny observations about Easter.

1) He said he thinks there is something wrong with his teacher's ears, as he kept asking her HOW the easter eggs get into the gardens, and she must have not heard him as 'she kept not saying anything'.

2) He said he doesn't believe in the Easter Bunny, and doesn't think there is such a thing, and that Easter eggs 'come from the Christians'.

Well there you go!

Here are some pictures of our Easter hunt.

Hunting for Easter Eggs

We found some!

We love Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how sweet!!! Don't you just love that handwriting :)
