Wednesday 19 April 2006

A sting in my tail

So as you know I am a yoga practitioner, having conscientiously been attending lessons with the same instructor for 8+ years now.

I think I am lucky that I had a pretty natural ability to start with, but the practise over the years has definitely resulted in me getting progressively stronger and more supple, and culminated in me recently being cocky (no pun intended) enough to order the Advanced Level 3 Video of Better Sex Through Yoga! We finally started watching it the other night - and no it's not yoga porn. Sorry to disappoint. (Although maybe that comes (pun intended this time) later in the video, we haven't finished it yet) ;)

It is rather fairly standard but advanced yoga routines and postures focusing on core strength and the general pelvic area with the view of promoting better strength, toning and mobility of the area resulting in a better general disposition. There is a lot of focus on breathing into the 'sexual centre' and contracting those muscles with awareness etc.

The idea being that the better tone and flexibly achieved would cause you to feel fitter and healthier, and that in turn makes you feel more sexy.

Anyway we watched the video with interest and after a while Richard asked if I could do some of the poses. As you know I am never one to back down from a challenge, and leapt up to show him my skilful attempts - clearly not quite on par with the lithe beauty on the screen - but not too a bad facsimile of it I don't think.

These antics caused me to be suitably fired up and inspired that I even dared attempt the one posture that has been an absolute mental block for me for some time. It is the only one I had not yet tried in our classes, despite my instructor being convinced I *could* do it. It was due to fear of death, or paralysis at the very least. I got Richard to be on standby to call the paramedics in case it went horribly wrong, and with some good observational pointers from him, I DID IT!

I can therefore proudly announce that I can now do the Scorpion pose! Otherwise know as the vrischika-asana.
Be suitably impressed please!

Ok, the posture can actually get more advanced - if your name is BKS Iyengar or Swami Sivanada...
I'll get there...

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