Friday 19 May 2006

Mother's Day

I haven't had much time (or mental reserves) to blog recently, but it was Mother's Day last Sunday and that was pretty special - despite my waking thought on the actual day being that I hoped the kids had magically vanished (or had lobotomies)! As we had had several days of less than angelic behaviour.

Still the day turned out good, and they have been great ever since, so that was just a temporary insanity wobble.

On Friday last week Griffin's school held a Mother's Day event. We were treated to a sweet song and dance show with a beautiful poem, which Griffin recites so sweetly. (Side bar Quinn read the word and wanted to know waht a Pooh Em is).
After that we had a craft activity where we made the following picture.
Actually Griffin did his on his own, while I watched and chatted. I was then presented with a lovely card and gift which he'd made, and we had tea and cake. The gift is a board with plaster and little tiles. I am not sure what it is meant to be, but I have decided it's a mat for placing hot dishes on the table.
Quinn managed to leave his card at school, but on Monday I got the following card:
with this message inside, and a voucher for a cup of tea and hugs and kisses. He will make the tea this week-end.
Quinn also drew this picture of me. He seems to think I am a telemarketer or call centre employee. I actually do have a headset but have hardly ever used it. I know it intrigues him though...
I had a lovely run late on Mother's day morning and did over 8km, and then we went to Spur for a late lunch. It was great and the boys were perfectly behaved and polite and spent a long time playing in the play room after the meal, so Richard and I could chat.

So now I need to make a career decision. Like asap.... the indecision is killing me.


  1. Quinn draws beautifully :) Glad the boys are back into their good behaviour

  2. Good luck with that career decision! Whatever it is :)
