Thursday 29 June 2006

Count down to our Holiday!

We are going on holiday for 10 days from tomorrow. I can't wait!

While Quinn has flown several times with me, the last being when I was pregnant with Griffin, and also went on a brief trip to Durban with Richard last year. Griff has not yet had a chance to fly (besides that time while he was inside me), and with all my traveling in the past 2 years (30 plus flights YIKES) I thought it was high time we took them somewhere for a proper family holiday.

We are flying with - cheap and cheerful! With no free food or drink. Still I got return flight for the 4 of us for R2900 which is not bad. (Note to self: remember to get snacks and drinks for the flight!)

So we are going to
Durban to visit our aging in-laws and other friends and family in and around Durban. Then will drive to Newcastle (the one in South Africa not in the UK!) via The Midlands and Drakensberg ,to visit with my sister's family. I especially can't wait to see her little munchkin Alastair, who just turned 1 year old. I was with her this time last year when he was born. What a wonderful experience that was. :)

We are planning to do the usual Durban touristy things like go to:

uShaka Marine World
The Bird Park
- Mini Town

- The Beach etc.
Quinn went to Mini Town last year

I am also on a mission to finally try a Bunny Chow. I have never tried this particular eating experience, and I reckon there's no better way to do it, than directly from their place of origin.

On the way to Newcastle we will travel the Midlands Meander and while in Newcastle I hope we can visit the Lion farm near Memel. We went there last year, the day before Alastair was born. While the park is breeding Lions in captivity and no doubt the fate of many of them is bound to be commercial hunting trophies, it is still wonderful to get a chance to experience and interact with one of the most impressive creatures on earth. The just-weaned cubs 3-6 months old are kept in an accessible enclosure. You are allowed to go inside and can even handle the cubs, although this is done at your peril as even at this young age they are surprisingly strong and boisterous, especially if they get playful! I am sure the boys will enjoy seeign them.

It will be great to be away from the computer and the stresses and strains of everyday life* and routine. YAY. The kid's bags are packed and I have started getting my stuff together. The countdown begins.

* Of course the tenant in my rental property has decided to move out tomorrow, and I don't have a new tenant yet, but I guess that will have to be next month's problem now.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you guys have a wonderful time Jane. We have a Lion farm near us.. you can always come visit!!!
    Can you believe that in ALL the time we have gone to Durban, we have never been to mini town?
