Friday 4 August 2006

I heart you - now quit looking at my boob!

I have this shirt (pictured below). When I bought it I thought 'hey that's cute'.

I did not expect that it would result in me having strange and random men squinting with noses 2 inches away from my left breast!

See the shirt is an emerald green, long seeve, knitted top - pretty ordinary really - but wait, there's more!

It also has a heart shape on it, more of less in the possition where your heart would be in your body, but that's not all...

The heart shape is comprised of lines of text... and what all these men want to know (no woman has ever asked) is 'what does it SAY?'.

So for this once in a life time offer, I will let you know.

It says: I Love You in a whole heap of languages.

Now you know!

So if you ever see me wearing this shirt, you won't need to zone in and squint 2 inches from my breast, see?

Unless it's not about the shirt at all.... eeeuw!


  1. So typically a man thing lol They will use ANY excuse

  2. Of course, us men WOULD counter that such a print in such a place is an invite, is it not? But then that would be the straight in me that was doing that...The fag in me (no Jane don't go there)says it's a lovely design and an outlet for femino-male indignation, a sort of entrapment, knowing how men will react, then lambasting them for it! LUVERLY!

    Been to Brighton Pride this past weekend...oh all that manflesh! But one was good and forbade oneself the pleasures of the miles of men...check out my flickr album...

  3. On pain of being branded a horrific misogynist though, I quite like your shirt, though....

    Are you b o v v e r r e d?

  4. Sigh, well I guess I will only wear that hirt when I want to be breast-ogled then...

    I am going to have to die and come back as a gorgeous gay man, because being a fag-hag is just SO unbecoming on me.

    I wanna do Brighton Gay Pride Marches with you doll!

    Pulease come to MCQP with me? Please please?

  5. Well, I'll be in SA for a couple of weeks in October, so if you can get Andre to arrange it I'll do MCQP - but then PROMISE you'll hit Brighton with me as well!

    But you're no fag hag, if anything, with your ever-ioncreasingly gorgeous bod, I'm more like a straight-mate...or sunnink!

  6. Sure I'll do Brighton.
    Who is he again....? ;)

    Aw, and thanks for making my day with an excellent comment!

    You turn half-straight, I'll turn half-male and we'll be set :)

  7. hmmm....I'd rather turn half straight and you stay as gorgeous as you are! These half-n-half mutant chick-wiv-richards frighten me.

    I can do a man, or I can do a woman.

    And never the twain shall be done!
