Wednesday 30 July 2008

Rocking the Daisies Part 3!!!

Jenty tagged me for this competition, which seems quite cool because you can win an i-pod from Digicape, and tickets to the event. It’s worth a try!

So here’s the deal… write a blog post about what 5 things you’d just HAVE to take with you to the music festival, and then tag some friends and then register your post HERE to win.

Unlike many of the entries I have seen so far, I am actually IN Cape Town, and not only that, I have actually been to the event... not once, but twice. Only because there have only been 2 so far.

As mentioned I have been to both previous ones, and blogged about it here, here, here and here

Rocking the Daisies is now in it's 3rd year, and I am very excited to hear it is happening again, and I will absoloodles be there and dragging as many folks as I can along with me. It is always a literally rocking event.

Rocking the Daisies ROCKS!!!

It has also totally opened up the SA music scene for me. I mean I hear a lot of the stuff on 5fm, but actually seeing the guys live on stage is awesome, and as a result of RTD my fav fav bands and artists now include: The Parlotones, (Stealing) Love Jones, The Dirty Skirts, Cassette, Max Normal, Louise Carver, The Finkelsteins and many more.They also always have kick-ass comedy sets. All round it's just a phenomenal and fun-filled week-end. Be there or be BORED and BORING.

Ok, so what to take???

Seriously folks, pretty much everything you need can be found there, you don't need to take much at all. There is plenty of delicious food (biltong, schwarmas, wraps, pizzas, curries etc), copious drinks (even cappuccinos and hot chocolates for the early morning), ATMs (for when you run out of cash), even hat, badges, belts, shoes, clothes and other cool hemp products are on sale. What more could you want or need!? I mean really? You can even hire ready built tents!

The event really is what you make of it. It can be a hard-core balls-to-the-wall drink-fest student week-end. A more mellow hey-shoo-wow hippie hang out, or even a good clean fun family week-end.

You'll see all types from goths, to models, to average joes, to oldies, and young nubile babes, babies and children, and even dogs. It's a very accessible event. The only pre-requisite is that you like SA music, and are prepared to camp with just the basics (and use port-a-loos).

I have taken my kids both previous times and I think I will again. They have had an absolute ball both times ... and learned some valuable (and rather handy) entrepreneurial skills along the way. They figured out that they could collect the plastic wine glasses people discard around the stage area and return them for a R10 deposit. Next thing my kids had more money than I did! Score!

So here's my list:

1 - my kids - Quinn & Griffin.

Here they are at RTD in 2006

and in 2007

2 - Something warm. The first year it rained most of the time, last year it was just BRRR at night. So definitely a warm jacket and blanket - also good for inconspicuous snuggling ;)

3 - A lilo and or armbands. There is a gorgeous dam, and I intend to float around on or in it at times when a bit of a nap or chill out is needed.

4 - A mallet. We destroyed the kid's cricket bat trying to use it as a mallet to hammer our tent pegs in. They were not amused! Ooops. So a mallet is needed. I may even rent it out. 5-ront a pop ;)

5 - Either ear plugs, or a 'pick-me-up' substance. To be able to cope with 'the fucking trance DJs' as they were dubbed last year. After being rocked out from around 10am right through to 2am, some of us want a bit of sleep before starting again the next morning... but no the trance DJs start up and DO NOT STOP. So you got to either escape or go join them! I'll see which I am up for closer to the time! ;)

And I’m tagging Tertia, Mel, Tessa, Lindy, Jonathan, Dave, Other Dave

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