Sunday 17 August 2008

Grow eggies grow!

If you are following my egg donation journey, which began here, and was updated here, you may know that it was about time for the next stage... actually growing them eggies around about now.

So I stopped the pill on Wed, saw the fertility clinic co-ordinator on Thursday afternoon to pick up the hormone meds I needed, and to learn what to do (a 5 min demo) to actually give myself these jabs.

Then I had to wait for my period to start. To mark Day 1 of my cycle. It decided instead of the scheduled Saturday, it would start in the middle of my glam Hollywood-style work function on Friday night (while I wasn't wearing any underwear! (TMI sorry) and was dancing up a storm on the dance floor!) But it was fine it happened on a trip to the loo anyway. It was just a bit weird because I haven't had a proper period for literally YEARS now... I really haven't missed them! I actually can't wait to get my Mirena replaced.

Anyhoo that made TODAY (Sunday) day 3 and the day to start with the Gonal-f hormone (Synthetic FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone) jabs to start growing those eggies!!

Over the course of yesterday I managed to mentally wind myself up about it and was anticipating pain and torture. My skin is actually pretty sensitive, and while giving birth is not an issue for me, being pinched is VERY sore. So I knew it would hurt... I just wasn't sure how much! Yikes.

So I woke up at 8:15 this morning, and my first thought was 'Oh no, today is the day!'

Anyway back to the topic at hand, I was feeling pretty nervous. I pee'd (in the toilet, not my pants!), and then decided to JUST DO IT straight away, before brushing teeth, getting coffee, looking for kids, anything else.

So I got the little bag of stuff out, loaded it up as I had been shown. And then deliberated.... thigh or stomach, thigh or stomach, thigh or stomach??? Get the idea?

My saddlebag won the debate. I stood there. I took the cover off the needle, and I stood there some more. Hrm.... I turned the radio on. The more I was thinking the more I was psyching myself out... The demo lady had said to jab it firmly, because if I didn't get the needle right in (about 1.5cm of it) I would have to keep pressing until it was right in as it needs to not be administered too shallowly in the skin. So I breathed in deeply and plunged....

It just slid right in like a hot knife through butter, and honestly I didn't actually feel it at all. Not even a little OUCH. I thought cool! but expected it to burn or something when I depressed the dosage button. But I pressed it and nope still nothing. All in all it was over in a mere few seconds, and was almost anti-climatically sensation-free. Lets hope the side-effects prove to be the same!

The roller-coaster ride begins. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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