Wednesday 6 August 2008

I am Offensive & Insensitive

So I have had a kak kak kak couple of days... if I could end it all right now I probably would, but honestly I just don't have the strength or energy to be bothered... so I am hanging in there. For now.

So yesterday late afternoon I stumbled on this:

...and I am sorry but I smiled and had a chuckle - which was my first for the day. Partially because it appealed to my off-beat sense of humour, but mostly because I have been guilty of getting caught in heated Internet debates and being hell-bent on getting my point across so I can 'win'. I thought it nicely conveyed how lame it really is.

Anyway, without giving it too much thought, other than that others may relate too, I posted it on my most regular discussion board (parenting related) - and well, most people were not too happy with me - so I eventually removed it today. It seems some people don't share my sense of humour at all. (and just for the record I have a brain damaged brother who lives in an institution, so it's not like I am unaware or being insensitive to reality here... THAT is not what the joke is about RETARDS - case in point).

As I said I was feeling crap, and have been sick and just at the end of what I can bear, so when the squabble started I just relented and removed it, since so many people found it offensive and even malicious - esp when I retorted with a dead baby joke. *efg* (I have one of those too people, so just relax ok!?)

Perhaps I am not funny... perhaps I am just rapidly losing my grip, and was trying to cling to sick humour as a salvage.

Either way: WHATEVA!


Arguing on the Internet

The problem with arguing on the Internet is somewhat analogous to if a skilled swordsman wandered the streets offering a foil to random strangers to fence with them. The average person on the Internet is about as skilled at logical argumentation and rhetoric as he is at swordplay, having never touched a sword, but having watched a few Hollywood pirate movies.

But that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Imagine instead if the master swordsman handed a foil to a random stranger on the street and started fencing, but every time he got a hit, his foe said "no you didn't, that's not how the game works!" and insisted he was actually winning. Every time he did some kind of ridiculous Hollywood cinematic thing, he'd consider that he scored a point, but since the master swordsman wasn't doing those things, neither his foe nor the bystanders would accord him any points.

In the end, of course, the master swordsman would have had dozens of chances to maim, kill, or subdue his foe, and blocked every blow that came anywhere near being able to injure him. But no one else would realize that he won. They just thought he was dry, and kind of boring.

You can only win so many arguments against people who don't even realize what an argument is before it's not even amusing for its own sake.


  1. Wenchy: er that I am rude and insensitive? ;)

  2. I understand completely how you feel. I agree with Wenchy... you are so right.

  3. I love that pic. The Americans would have kakked in their broek if I put that on my blog!
