Friday 12 September 2008

The BEST news to end a good week.

I got a phone call earlier and I am still grinning and feel thrilled and excited beyond belief.

thrill (thrl)
v. thrilled, thrill·ing, thrills
1. To cause to feel a sudden intense sensation; excite greatly.
2. To give great pleasure to; delight. See Synonyms at enrapture.
3. To cause to quiver, tremble, or vibrate.
1. To feel a sudden quiver of excitement or emotion.
2. To quiver, tremble, or vibrate.
1. A quivering or trembling caused by sudden excitement or emotion.
2. A source or cause of excitement or emotion.
3. Pathology A slight palpable vibration that often accompanies certain cardiac and circulatory abnormalities.


You may have followed my egg donor journey?

Well, I 'laid' the eggs 2 weeks ago today. I found out that 4 were retrieved, and of those 3 were successfully fertilized, and 2 became 'top grade' (i.e. 8 celled embryos), which were implanted in the recipient last week Monday.

So today I was told that:


I am super excited, happy and honestly thrilled for them. I think I may even be more excited than I was when I found out I was pregnant!

I am so so so pleased that I was able to help this couple, and I am so glad I went ahead with it. I have had so much drama and heartache in my life this year, and the timing of the donation seemed to be really bad for me, when I was first told I had been selected. I even considered not doing it, fearing it was too much on my plate at the same time. But something inside me told me to go ahead. So I did.

In fact everything about the whole experience from the very start when I saw the Nurture car, the day after reading Tertia's blog about the launch, which seemed to be a 'sign' to apply as a donor, all the way along has just FELT right. I really enjoyed it, and focused strongly on it. It was an amazing experience.

I actually feel a tad emotional about it, I feel so honoured and privileged to have been allowed to be part of something so very special and important and life changing. It has been good to have had something so good and right and positive to focus on while going through this hardship in my life, and I am so very glad I have been able to be involved.

Wow. It's quite overwhelming.

I am really holding thumbs that it continues to go well for them. I think they really deserve it.


  1. This is awesome Jane!!!

    Congrats for everyone!!

  2. God's hand and favour so clearly on this whole process. Stoked for you and for them, lets hope its a double portion of babies!

  3. Oh my goodness Jane!!! That is SUCH great news. I can't imagine how over the moon they must and YOU for giving them the chance to have a child....
