Monday 1 September 2008


P.S. - James

You're a weapon of devotion
Keep the faithful entertained
You're a lover of attention
Found a way to pawn the soul
Disposition may be fetching
But the world moves on and leaves you far behind

I hear you, I hear you, whispering such gorgeous stories
I see you, I see you, trying to break free
You liar, you liar, you can't live the dreams you're spinning
You liar, love to be deceived

You're falling, you're falling, falling from your god-like distance
You're fashion, just fashion, fashion doesn't keep
You're sour, so sour, all is hope and trust is misplaced
You're sour, now you are alone

Walking on fire, feel the way the world's inclining
Walking on fire, hate to deceive
Walking on fire, now the world will keep its distance
Walking on fire, you rather than me

My son says, dear father, what did you do when the world turned over
Keep spinning, keep spinning, send us off to sleep
You liar, you liar, all your words are just dust in moonshine
You liar, love to be deceived

Walking on fire, found a place away from humans
Walking on fire, hate to deceive
Walking on fire, now the world will keep its distance
Walking on fire, you rather than me

1 comment:

  1. Look forwards
    Not backwards ...

    Happiness lies eagerly in your future
    In front of you

    It is yours to unfold
    To unwrap
    To claim
    With excitement
    And rewarding joy.

    A beautiful woman ...
    A wonder full person ...
    A true human being ...

    Are ...

    Many, many people love you
    Know this ...
    Feel them wrapped around you
    Inside you
    And out
    By your side

    Each wishing you the best
    The best you can
    And the best you will be

    Ride on the wings of their support
    Relieve your hurt in their good wishes
    And your faith will be restored
    Nourished by their love

    You are free to explore
    And as surely as tomorrow follows today
    Will you find what you want
    What you need
    And then more and more ...
    Without bound

    And who
    And what
    You deserve
    Waits patiently

    Your heart will soon be full
    Not broken

    Not wounded
    But safe

    And whole

    Gently held
    Daily nourished

    And beat beat beat
    Once again
    And for ever more ...
