Monday 28 September 2009

Eat, Sleep, Play (and Run & Read)

I took the boys to Pringle Bay for the long week-end and it was SO nice to get away - just the 3 of us, well the 3 of us plus Roxy. No one knew where we were and we just disappeared for a while.

I think we all needed that. To get out of the house, our neighbourhood, away from the phones, the Internet and usual routines and drama.

We stayed in a small but well equipped little house on a hill where we watched a lot of TV (something we haven't really done for months), read books (I managed to get through over 100 pages for the book I have been trying to finish for a year. It was fabulous and the end is now in sight) and magazines, cooked, ate (Far too much! Fun at the time, but a bit regrettable now), slept (I got to bed at a decent time each night AND had an almost unheard of afternoon nap one day), walked around, window shopped, drove to Betty's Bay and Kleinmond, explored, and I also managed to fit in 2 awesome runs. On Friday morning I ran from Pringle Bay to Betty's Bay and back (about 12 km) and on Sunday I ran from Pringle Bay to Rooiels and back (about 14km). Both times I finished the run off by scrambling up and down the trail path up the little mountain/hill next to the town and near our little housey.

It rained and was super windy the WHOLE of Saturday, really crappy weather and going outside was out of the question, so much so that we didn't leave the house at all, and only opened the door a couple of time to let Roxy in and out. Although I did get up and get dressed, and we had a cooked sit down breakfast in the morning. I stayed in bed almost all day and read my book. I never get to do that. Fortuitously we'd bought the boys beads etc to make personalised bracelets the day before so they spent the morning making their bracelets (see pics below). They LOVE them and haven't taken them off since.

Roxy was a star and was perfectly behaved. We even snuck her into a restaurant on Friday lunchtime, where I think she was not strictly allowed, but she just slept quietly in the corner behind our chairs so I don't think she was even noticed really, and certainly did cause any offense. She is awesome.

On Sunday the wind had stopped, even though it was still cold, which made for a fabulous run, but when I got back the weather cleared briefly to fit in a quick beach visit and swim for the boys which they loved.

It was a really lovely mini-holiday.

Best part was how easy everything is now that the boys are bigger. They help with cooking, shopping, packing and cleaning etc. Quinn even packed the car on the way there and back - quite expertly too! I was impressed. It makes it all such a pleasure and not a chore for me at all anymore. YAY! We'll definitely be doing that again.

Pics below:

Thursday & Friday:

Saturday & Sunday:

And this is me training for the Bafana Bafana 2010 world cup team:

Oh and in case you are wondering... yes I am fatter. I HATE it, but I have decided to accept it for now and not beat myself up too much. I have too much other crap to deal with to allow it to upset me too much and I am hoping once my life settles down I can deal with it then. It is pure and simple emotional over eating ... for now when I feel happy and/or healthy that is enough of an achievement and victory and I can't punish myself or berate myself further. Getting through the day and being able to smile and feel fulfilled is good enough right now. I am allowing myself to savour small moments of contentment, like yesterday watching my boys play happily and spontaneously in the sea, that made me feel full and happy and like we are ok, and THAT is what is important in the end.


  1. I really do not know where you get the 'fatter' part from. I was looking at your pictures and thinking how awesome you look!

    Your holiday - mini break looks fabulous. I wish I could stay in bed and read my book all day long, in SILENCE!!

  2. Looks like you had a great time, so glad, you deserve it. Have a great week.

  3. i loved reading that. you are such a cool family - the three of you and Roxy.

    yay you
