Wednesday 14 October 2009

I want to let go and know that I'll be alright

I like this song. (Anonymous, psycho-analyse away! :P )

Car Crash - Matt Nathanson

I'm wide awake and so alive
Ringing like a bell
Tell me this is paradise
Not some place I fell
Cause I keep falling down

I want to feel the car crash
I want to feel it capsize
I want to feel the bomb drop, the earth stop 'till I'm satisfied

I want to feel the car crash
'cause I'm dying on the inside
I want to let go and know that I'll be alright, alright

Just push me till I have to fly
I've shed my skins, my scars
Take me deep out past the lights
Where nothing dims these stars
Nothing dims these stars

I want to feel the car crash
I want to feel it capsize
I want to feel the bomb drop, the earth stop 'till I'm satisfied

I want to feel the car crash
'cause I'm dying on the inside
I want to let go and know that I'll be alright, alright

It's all right
It's all wrong

I'm wide awake and so alive

I want to feel the car crash
I want to feel it capsize
I want to feel the bomb drop, the earth stop 'till I'm satisfied

I want to feel the car crash
'cause I'm dying on the inside
I want to let go and know that I'll be alright, alright

'cause I'm open wide
So wide
So wide


  1. Analysis is futile, and yet not so futile. As commander battersby might say, one person's bollocks is another's dogs bollocks. And all that, his crew would echo.

    Leap and the net will appear; else you get to grow wings. Both ways you get a wrush with a silent w. Drug companies would go bust if people did this en masse. We are approaching the end of this decade, and i fear there are going to be a lot of refugees.

    Sorry that last bit was a misprint. I didn't really read the poem. Too exhausted really. Maybe just take out the "want to" out of the title, so that you're left with I let go knowing it'll be fine. Or just stop at go. "I let go" works for me.

    Does the :P mean tongue sticking out. I'm a bit old. New tricks take longer for me. Were you taunting me? Was i sposed to say nuffin?

    Amous amiss. Am out.

  2. See you anon perhaps. Have one way ticket to Internotland in the morning. Must still pack. Thanks for everything.

  3. Just saying hi. Hope you are well.
