Saturday 28 November 2009

Gems from Griffin

We just put our Christmas tree up... with the usual electrician impressions required from me to get the damned lights working. I was refitting plugs, stripping wires - you name it. Next time I am buying a tree with the lights built in I swear...
Anyway, once it was all done and the lights turned on Griffin sighed and said profoundly, 'Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without these Chinese lights.' I just about pee'd myself! I thought that was pretty profound though. The spirit of Christmas is in cheap Chinese lights! Who would have thunk it huh?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Then - noting that I have actually recently lost around 5kgs (ye-haa) - Griffin turned to me as we were leaving a clothing store after I tried something on this morning to say, 'I hope you lose a bit of weight before the wedding - because you look a little fat.' Shame, to be fair, he did say it very sweetly and in a concerned and encouraging way.

So after fetching Q and his friend P - who is a rather proper and Brittishy only-child a while later I asked them, 'Guess what Griff said to me earlier?' and told them.

Quinn gasped, and P exclaimed, 'OH MY WORD. You NEVER say that to a lady. EVER! Not even if she weights 16 000 kilograms.' He went on to say, '...unless you want to commit SUICIDE!'

LMAO. P has been well conditioned I see. Unlike my tell-it-like-it-is boys.
:twisted: :twisted: