Sunday 28 August 2011

What an awesome cycle!

I woke up feeling pretty bleh and unenthusiastic to be alive this morning. After wallowing in bed for about 2 hours doing not much of anything besides helping Quinn with his Afrikaans oral, I decided to drag myself out and to actually go DO something.

So I got on my bike and set off, with no real plan or direction in mind... just following my nose as I felt like it. The more I went the better I felt though, until I was smiling and enjoying myself so much! I was even singing along to my music. :)

In the end I went from Rondebosch, down Liesbeek Road past the Riverclub to Lower Main Road and all the way to Town via the Castle. Then up Strand Street and up to High Level Road, right along through Seapoint, Bantry Bay, Clifton & Campsbay, on to Llandudno, down Suikerbossie (new top speed of 65.5km/h down there!) to Houtbay and up to Constantia Neck (OMG I nearly died going up there!) and then down to Constantia and then Wynberg and then bak to Rondebosch. 53kms in all. Av speed of 20km/h. :)

It was awesome and such a beautiful day out there, albeit a bit windy in some places!

So glad I went out.


  1. Sounds like an awesome cycle. I don't know when I last rode a bike.
    I think I may have seen you the other day. Do you run around Rondebosch Common?

  2. Yes you may well have seen me. I do run around the Common (although I have not been running very much recently). I think I ran around the Common on Monday evening and Thursday morning last week...

  3. I run around the Common on Mondays and Wednesdays and I do a different route on a Thursday. If I see you again I'll say hi...
