Saturday 3 September 2011

I am doing the Argus!

So I have enetered the Argus Cycle Tour 2012. Eeeep! I'm so excited! And scared. I never imagined I'd ever feel like it was somethign I could actually consider doing. It's always seemed so out of reach and out of my league...

But I think it's one of those things you have to do at least once if you live in Cape Town. So next year it is. I am loving riding my bike. It's an awesome feeling being out there and hearing the wind whistling as you zoom along our gorgeous cities roads and mountains.

Anyone keen to join in? I am making it a beer challenge (loser buys the beers) ;)

I just went for a cycle with my friend Mat today and I did a total of 72.5kms!

From Rondebosch to Tokai. Then up Ou Kaapse Weg - yes it was a little tough! Then on to Sun Valley, up over Black Hill and down into to Glencairn. Then through to Kalk Bay, where we had a stop for a coffee at Olympia Deli. Then back over Boyes Drive to Tokai where I had tea and toast with Mat before the final stretch back to Rondebosch again via Constantia & Wynberg.

Mat is fitter, stronger and a LOT taller than me. He also has a better lighter bike with better gearing and has cleats but I managed to stay more or less with him for most of the time. :) It was awesome.

I am TIRED now though! Whew!