Friday 21 October 2011


I have had a wonderful week. Really I could get used to this! Or maybe it's just because it is such a delicious rare luxury for me to have so much free time to just do what I want to, and I know it's going to be short lived so I have savoured it and maxed out my exercise time because THAT is what I have wanted to focus on, getting fit and healthy again and resetting myself. Either way, I have loved it.

On Monday I was a bit stiff after the week-end's half marathon but I did a 4km walk/run and then a Pilates class.

One Tuesday I did a nice reasonably tough 10-12km long run before follow it with a kata-box class which was AWESOME!

Wednesday I did 2x Kata-box classes, one i

Thursday I did a 52km cycle and then my yoga class in the evening.

This morning I dropped the boys at school at 07:30 and went for a run... I wasn't feeling super energetic at first so had no real plan. I started out walking from Rondebosch up towards Newlands.

I found myself heading into Newlands Forest and it was just SO beautiful there. The weather is perfect; cool and over cast and the air is crisp and clear. It looked and smelled great. Next thing I was running and literally grinning. I ran up through Newlands Forest and ended up going right into Kirstenbosch gardens from the back. WOW. I was running through the actual gardens. Just me the birds and a few gardeners whistling away and doing their thing. Fresh clean air and the most gorgeous garden. It was PERFECT.

That has got to be about as close as it gets to a perfect moment for me it was simply blissful. :)

I am loving getting ME back!

I have also found myself becoming more social again too and have been bumping into and making contact with neglected friends all week and am enjoying catching up with them.

Update on the work situation. Contract is signed and sealed and I start on 1 Nov. I hope and pray this will work out well. But it really can;t be any worse so I am cautiously optimistic.

I feel good. I am good! <3


  1. This is such an uplifting happy post Jane! I'm so glad you are back into the swing of things and you've found your mojo again :)

  2. YOu are sounding so well! So happy for you.

  3. SUCH a happy positive post - YAY YOU!!!
