Tuesday 1 November 2011

Day 1 at New Job

So I have started my new job. The first day is predictably boring... but that's ok, I have had enough first days to know that this will be very short lived. Indeed I am actually enjoying and appreciating the calm and quiet and bordom while I can, as I know things will get hectic soon enough.

The good news is that it took me less than 15 mins to get here this morning – in the worst of the morning traffic, since I started a bit later today. Since I'll normally be a bit earlier, it should be even better in future. It's all of 8kms and a fairly direct route too. YAY.

There are a couple of folks still here from when last I worked in the building 6.5 years ago. So I'll e able to catch up with them once I am settled in.

Once again I am in a super open-plan office so can't openly browse the web, or play games, or do banking, or personal emails etc. without it being completely obvious. But I have learned how to use notepad (or even work outlook email) to compose mails or blog posts and then cut & paste quickly when I am done. Sneaky I know, but one does what one must...

I must say I thorougly enjoyed my time off and loved my routine of going out for a run/cycle/gym visit first thing in the morning after dropping the boys at school. Then catching up with friends, shopping, admin, emails and what-not in the afternoons before the boys came home and then having nice long, fun and calm evenigns with them. It was great having TIME and not rushing from one thing to the next, and hurrying everything along all the time. I could very much have got used to that... but since I have to be a corporate slave again and one can't be a lady of leisure without having to first find and then endure a sugar-daddy, here I am. :) At least I can see windows from where I am and even have a view of the mountains. :)
Anyway best I get back to reading the docs I hve been sent and getting familiar with how things work here.



  1. All the best - does sound like a huge improvement.

  2. First days are the worst :) Now its onto the fun stuff!!

    Hope its all you hoped and more Jane :)

  3. I'm a bit late with this comment, but I'm glad you got a new job and are settling in. I hope it is going to work out fabulously for you.
    Had a good chuckle at the copy and pasting from notepad. Good one.
    But am positively rofl at that crack about finding and enduring a sugar daddy. Priceless. That sums it up in one.
    Have a good week there :-)
