Thursday 31 August 2006

The good, the bad and the ugly

The good news is that my MP3 player arrived, and I have loaded it up with LOTS of music, and I tested it when I went for a good run last night. I estimate that it was about 8km**. So I am now not too nervous about the impending 10km on Sunday. I just need to remember to stick to my own pace and not tire myself out to quickly.

The bad news is my running route was from our house to meet the family for Pizza.

The ugly news is we went to Panarottis! Will we ever learn? I did learn something from my last visit though and decided not to have either Pizza or Pasta and ordered soup. It's usually a very tomatoey 'minnestrone' but last night it was a thick and rich pea and ham soup, and it was actually pretty good. Quinn made me a nice fresh garlic and parmesan bread - from his play (pizza) dough and that was yummy too.

This is the route I ran. I had 10 minutes to spare when I got there and there was good music playing, hence the erratic circles! ;) The route looks like the ebola virus! ** Now that I have it on a scaled map I can calculate the distance.


  1. Looking at your map, it seems very similar to the routes taken, if not the same city, when I was trying to find my brother's house in nelspruit, remember?

  2. Darling Jane can I also just mention, and maybe I am exaggerating a little here, that there are some guidelines to follow in restaurants:

    1. Pizza is food's second last chance to be theory, one can let a fine fuzzy mold start to form on pizza toppings because once in the oven, it is burnt off...

    2. the reason pizza is food's SECOND last chance to be eaten is because when food has turned so wrinkly and odd and oozy that you can't even use it on pizza, you can always make soup....

    Now, this is not meant to frighten of course, nor to cast a bad light on the delightful Panarotti's, whom we love so much, but remember dear, I worked in a few italian restuarants myself. Not that they did that of course!

    Just something to think of.

  3. Haha, yes that does look rather like the ever decreasing circles we took on the way to your brother's house - I feared we were going to end up inside our own arses! :P

    Oh and don't forget dearest that I too have seen inside enough restaurant kitchen to NEVER order a spinach lasagne (those thing sit there for MONTHS) or peri-peri sauce (the way they made that at Robertos was truely scary!), not to mention Eisbein - God remeber how those were treated?!?

    However, based on what I get feed myself at home, a bit of botulism soup is not going to kill me!

  4. i CANNOT believe you went BACK to Panarottis!!!!

  5. LOL - but do they have botulism lite? I forgot you worked at Robertos!

    Spinach begins out looking like Diarrhea Weed any way - the only way to eat it is to add 4 litres of cream and then leave out the spinache! hehehe

    You're ok with the Peri Peri sauce as the oils burn off all the bacteria - seriously...

    Do you eat pork ribs...? Sorry should I say DID you eat prok ribs....

  6. WTG on the running. You are making me feel very guilty !! Hope the race went well today
