Thursday 7 September 2006

I car-n't decide

Here, finally, is a topic everyone can relate to and comment on...

We have decided to trade in Richard's Beamer (323i with an M conversion) which is now 9 years old and no longer practical for our family. With the motorplan expired it is expensive to run, has very hard suspension and a surprisingly small amount of leg room at the back and a small boot. Although it is powerful and nice to drive on the open road, it is not nice for quick suburban runs at all.

I have a Hyundai Elantra which is 5 years old and is running well. It is reliable, comfortable, nice to drive, and has plenty of leg and storage space. We are able to use this as a week-end away vehicle etc.

Richard is working from home, and does the majority of the school runs, I commute to and from the CBD - frustrating stop-start fuel guzzling driving. So it makes sense for him to use the Elantra and me to commute in something small and cost-effective. I would not be comfortable on a scooter at the best of times and certainly not in Cape Town with bad driving and frequent bad weather too. Plus a scooter would be restrictive so I think I need a small car but which the 4 of us could still fit in with some grocery shopping etc.

My demands requests are simple really; I want a cute, fun to drive and comfortable car - not a tin can which has:
  • Good value for money (no more than R100000, demo or less than 1-year old).
  • Good fuel economy - the petrol price is really scary and likely to get worse.
  • Air-con - I have become accustomed to one, and it's quite necessary here in summer.
  • Radio (CD preferable) I like listening to the radio and singing along. Quinn asked me why I don't cut a CD, so I have 1 fan at least :)
  • Immobiliser - my insurer insists on a good immobiliser.
  • 5-doors - so 4 with hatch, I'm not doing the whole 2-door thing with kids in tow!
Nice to have:
  • Power Steering
  • Electric Windows
  • Central Locking
  • Alarm

So I have been looking at the:

Fiat Panda
Very CUTE! I saw one driving the other day and loved it - but the engine seems a bit small. I mean it doesn't seem likely that you could load this up much, so what's the point of the Utility Vehicle look?
Kia Rio
This is also a nice looking car. The other option is the lesser Piccanto, which is cute too and very cheap, but feels a bit too small and underpowered, and has virually no boot at all.
Hyundai Getz
I drive a Hyundai already and have been very happy with it. Generally considered to be the best value for money and you get the most fetures per buck with a Hyundai. Richard drove some of these as rentals though and doesn't love them.Renault Clio
I have loved the Clios from day one. Although Richard claims I wanted Theiry Henry more than the Clio ;). I actually prefer the Clio 2 to the Clio 3, but I am not sure it makes sense to buy an 'old shape'.
Nissan Micra
I love this one, tres cute too, but a bit more pricey than the rest.
So comments, suggestions, advice, warnings? Lemme know!


  1. I like the look of the Nissan Micra. It looks very cute and snazzy. I was also in the car market not so long ago and test drove so many cars I lost count. Its the best thing to do though, go test drive them all,and dont rush into anything, it will be the one you least expect that will surprise you.

  2. OH MY GOD I cannot believe you didn't call me - at least I still have time to get a wordi n edgeways here!

    My BMW (also a 97 328i - I thought R's was a 323i) is now back living in Cape Town. Family wants to get rid of it but I say not on your life - I want my BM when I come out on holiday.

    OK so here goes then - DO NOT get a Renault Clio. Email my friend Lynne at if you want to find out why. It is THE most expensive car for parts, maintenance etc and the reliability is absolutely crap. She is also not the only person to say this - I've heard this from many Renault owners.

    The Kia will probably get you better features.

    The Fiat will break down and it's centre of gravity is way too high - you have to contend with the M3 in the wind - please be serious here - this car is NOT an option!

    The Nissan has the newest technology, better feul consumption (according to the Top Gear boys)

    The Hyundai will also be brilliant - Joe had the next one up, the family sedan - can't remember the name, which is strange for me. Great features, value for money...

    I reckon you have a choice between the Micra, Rio and the Getz, and the new Getz should be out soon, so check on discounts on the outgoing models...

    Of course, if you want a little run-about, how about a BMW118i? Oh right - the price...But they give inclusive motor plan....remember to check on that!

    Oh I SO want to be at home car shopping with you - I think that is my FAVOURITE thing in the whole world!

  3. Lindy, what car did you eventually settle on?

    Jane, just a thought, Lynne traded her Clio in on a Mer A190 Elegance, second hand and paid just over R100-k. That is the top of the range model, though, so you could get the A160 Avante Garde or Classic for a lot less, second-hand. Althogh it is also tall like the Fiat, it is heavier so the handling is better, safer.

  4. I'm said my car is cheap...*sniff*

    It's the only car I can afford for now...

    I drive a Kia Picanto...

  5. jsgotangco - sorry to have offended you. I have actually amended my post to better reflect my feelings of it.
    I think the Piccanto *is* cute but a bit too small, compact and underpowerwed for us. I need to be able to haul shopping and kids around at times too.

    We loved the one we used on holiday but it was a tight squeeze and it took strain gong over mountainous terrain.

    Thanks for the recommendations though, I am leaning most towards Hyundai and Kia atm. :)

  6. Hi d.a.v.e. er yes you are right (not that I would have doubted that) Richard's car is indeed a 323i (we are not worthy!).

    Thanks for your sage, vehicular advice, you are the guru on these things afterall. I mean who better to know about style, class and how an engine revs than a fab queer-eye!?

    So doll, Renaults are off the list, as is the Panda *small sob* (Richard dismissed it immediately saying it looks silly), so it looks like a choice of Nissan Micra, Hyundai Getz or Kia Rio.

    The Hyundai is the cheapest by R25k and R13k respectively, and has everything except radio included (which I can get).

    The Micra has no air-con and I have grown accustomed to having temperate climes while I drive.

    The Rio has no radio either but costs R13k more and the Getz has better fuel economy...

    I am test driving the Getz later today. Watch this space!

  7. Hi Lindi.

    I really like the Micra, but it is slipping down on my favorites list despite being the nicest looking because it has no radio, worse fuel economy, less power and is almost 25% more expensive. Pity :(

    The Getz is less special, but I think it looks like a good deal and I like Hyundai already, I'll see how the test drive goes...

    Thanks for the advice.

  8. I love the Nissan Micra. Such a snazzy little car. I'd love a small little car for town but since I'm the local kids taxi, I have to have a family car.

  9. Hi Dave,
    I got the Audi A3 FSI Ambition Sportback 2litre Turbo. IT got voted "Car of the year". Couldnt go wrong with that. Although, when I test drove it, ahem, I stalled it THREE times!!!! *blush* Quite different from my 4 by 4!

  10. Hi Jane, if you need any help with Kia, i know the dealer principal at the Paarden Eiland branch.

  11. Hey Lindy!

    I SOOOOOOOOO love it when a woman can talk cars like that - Audi A3 FSI Sportback - I think it's so sexy, even though I'm the queer on here!

    Someone was kind enough to send me the news the Audi had won Car of the Year, even though I had bribed those SA Guild of Motoring journos to let the BMW win - I am a BW girl after all!

    Did you ever see BMW's response in the newspapers to the Audi winning? It had a pic of the BMW 320d, saying "To the South African Car Of The Year...Congrats...From the World Car Of The Year"

    I have to admit though, while here in the UK I am falling for the Audi so hard...I think it's because they are so much more affordable here. I really like the Audi A2, which was never on sale in SA. It's quirkt and dynamic.

    Hey Jane-i-Pooh, tell Rich that the Panda won European Car Of The Year a little while back, and not to dismiss it on looks, but rather and more correctly on it's inability to fulfil your needs...

    I have been looking at buying a 1968 Merc 280SL, but it's so pointless owning a car in London, even if you DO have a passion for them like me - petrol at £1.10 per litre, daily congestion charge of £8, average parking costs of £3/hour, parking permits needed for your residence, road tax, road insurance...costly!

  12. Hey Jane, me again, just in case I haven't filled up your inbox enough - what of the motor plan - are you being offered this inclusive?

  13. heheh - Lindy - you stalled the car test-driving it? that's ok - when I bought a Peugeot Cabriolet, I had my friend Bronwyn drive me to Peugeot Sandton in my MX-5 Cabrio, and we left the hood down while signing and collecting the NEW cabrio, (pretending to be this hetero couple and fooling no one) and there was a cloudburst outside - drwoning the MX-5's interior...I looked like SUCH a professional!

  14. Hey Dave! I test drove the Peugot Cabriolet too, it was the first one i test drove and thought it was awesome. But then got onto driving the Volvo and the Jaguar x type and that made me see how TINNY the peugot was. I drove the Audi, stalled it, then my boyfriend Ronnie proceeded to continue with the test drive with me in the back seat, getting flung from side to side as he took the corners of Dewaal drive thinking he was Michael Schumacher. He and the agent for Audi convinced me that this was how an Audi was supposed to be driven to see what the CAR can do!!! So I left Audi feeling a little shell shocked, I went back to test driving something a little slower, the Jeep Sport which I really thought would be the car i was going to buy. Well it turns out that the Jeep is known for drinking petrol faster than a running tap so there went that out the window, especially with me driving 80km to and from work everyday. At the same time, Mercedes just brought out their B Class, i got as far as signing the papers for the order, and then the Merc Agent turned out to be a bit a chop and kept me waiting and i got so annoyed i cancelled the deal, that and ronnie telling me it was a grannycar!! But only cos he really wanted me to get the Audi....And between Ronnie nagging me about Audi being car of the year (SA ONLY!) and the great petrol consumption, style, speed, safety (so many airbags it might take off in the wind) and blah, blah, blah, and jumping the 3 month waiting list as the audi agent had a cancellation that day, i opted for the Audi. And havent looked back since....although lately, the fines have started to come in.......

  15. LOL - yeah the metal-roof cabrios are tinny to keep the weight down - they don't feel solid at all - that you get from the old fashioned canvas top!

    Sounds a bit like Ronnie wants the Audi for himself!

    The B-Class is proving quite popular here, althoguh unlike back in SA where merc has a good name, here Mercedes is synonymous with shocking build quality!

    Enjoy the fines - I'm due home in October and my sister has told me to come armed with R5-k for all the ines I racked up while home from October last year till March this year...ah well - just proves my 9 year old BMW still has what it takes, 275,000km later!

    Jane dear, don't mind us just having a good old natter through your blog! hopefully it'll help you choose the right car!

  16. Lindy, meet Dave.

    Dave, Lindy.

    Now you two sod off and go talk fancy cars somewhere else! :P


  17. If anyone is still reading this I test drove the Panda on Saturday and LOVED it. I really really did. It comes with everything and the price is awesome, and it's a demo but with only 2500km, and and.

    Please can I get it? Please? *bats eye - lashes*

    Check out the reviews... and note that I wouldn't have touched Fiat with someone else's stick prior to this model.

    I drove the Getz and it was very blah and boring, will cost R15000 more and doesn't have half the features, not to mention the style deficit.


    From the comparison you list you sent me, the Fiat has the LEAST power - 45kW or something - my electic toothbruch has more power!

    Also, Fiat SA are FAMOUSLY expensive on spares & maintenance! Don't be swayed by the looks and the 'extras' which will mean nothing when your car is full and can go nowhere on the M3 in the wind, or up hill, or needs a R7000 spark plug....I won't Panda to your request! Don't make me quote Rich here and say it looks silly...remember these are the poepl who made that funny bubble car....

  19. can I just apologise for my shocking spelling this morning? Dunno what's come over me...

  20. Dave I think he more telling question is *who* came over you this morning...? Huh HUH??

  21. you know, as I typed that I thought, it's too easy, she won't say it...ah well!
