Monday 18 September 2006

Stop the bus, I want to get off....

It may not seem it, with all the cyber fooling around I do (or perhaps it is largely due to that) but I am like lank busy at the moment! More so that normal. I feel like I am running forward all the time trying to keep my balance while juggling.

At the moment work is stretching me quite a lot as I am trying to co-ordinate not only taking on the rather onerous responsibility of Test Manager for all development testing that happens on the billing engine here, which is quite a scary role in itself, but also assuming the role of site manager for the consulting company I contract through. This entails managing 10 team members on 3 different floors, and keeping their respective client managers happy, sourcing new staff, making sure the guys are at work, happy, and completing timesheets, and wiping their butts as they should be etc etc, and liaising with the mother company in JHB to make sure we are complying with the Company Way, without having ever been to the company offices. FUN.

In between that I am trying to keep fit, by going to gym 3 times a week, and do some road running as well, and compete in the odd race. This is starting to slip up, but I can't really help it, real life has to take precidence, and there is only so much pressure you can put yourself under.

I am also trying to find a tenant for the house I bought as an investment, and which I let out, so have to run ads weekly in papers, take calls, dash off in between other stuff to show the place to people, get it cleaned and fixed etc etc.

Then I decided NOW is the time to buy a car, and arranging to borrow money from the bank, and all both of those entail.

Last but not least I am trying not to be the worlds worst and most neglectful wife and mother too (I have already given up on the daughter role, pah!). So have to makes sure the kids stay reasonably clean and presentable, supervise homework daily, and cover books and replenish school supplies, send dozens of reply slips and money for everything under the sun to school, make sure the right clothing and library books go to school with the right child on the right day (luckily we have a house keeper who mostly does this now). Make sure there is something to eat for dinner - and fortunately if I am organised enough I can get the house keeper to help with this too. Richard also plays a big role in making sure that homelife doesn't fall apart. (THANKS!)

On week-ends, there are kiddies parties, shopping, places to go, things to see, people to do, phone calls to make, movies to watch. Richard and I try to go out together or get together with friends as much as we can, and spend time having fun with the kids.

So this is all in a normal week. Now throw in my gran and mother in-law having a birthday - note to self send flowers to both, my dad coming to stay - which also means scurrying around to get presents for all the up-country birthdays I have missed and sending them back with him, the term about to end and all the activities that come with that, Quinn's concert most nights this week, booking an OT assessment for Griff etc, and well, chaos ensues!

We totally forgot and missed Quinn's end of season rugby social last week.

Today I have sat in meetings writing lists of issues which need co-ordinating, so I don't forget something really important, like:
- How will Q get to his concert at 18:30 tonight? -R will drop him, while I am at kata box.
- What will I feed the family and my dad for dinner, considering I will only be back after 7pm? - We are going to dinner at a small restaurant in the block next to Q's school, which takes care of the next issue.
- How will we collect Quinn at 20:15 after his concert? - I will dash out of the restaurant and collect him and take him back there with me.

There, easy!
Now I just need to figure the rest out...

The fact that the network is very unstable here at the moment and none of the testing which was scheduled for today could be done and the testers and managers are all irate is the least of my worries...



  1. well then I s'pose it's only fair that you hard-working ladies get the best shoes!

    Wow - hectic life Jane-i-Pooh! But not that any of us think for one minute we could pull it off, or that you can't!


  2. Okay, now you've got ME stressed and I was stressed enough as it ease. RELAX!!! (that would be for you and me )

  3. (d.a.v.e. calmly hands chill-pills to JaneW & Mel the SuperMum!)

  4. how was the kata-box / concert / restaurant? geez louise - three social events on a monday - you're not only burning the candle at both ends, you are holding the middle over another candle you're juggling with your left hand...

  5. This is why you were created a woman, men cant do all of that at once. Your household would fall apart without you. lol .

    Your exercise is there to help you relax not stress about, if you miss a session, big deal, there is always tomorrow. IF all else fails, get some exercise by watching Flashdance and dancing around the coffee table, like i did last night, of course it was in E-TV and with all the commercial breaks inbetween, i got to bed after midnight! Far too late on a SCHOOL NIGHT!!!Well done on your multi tasking skills and keep up the good work. DOnt forget dinner on the 4th OCTOBER!! If you havent collapsed by then!!!

  6. hey Wonder Woman!

    how things going - no pressure but WE NEED ANOTHER BLOG!
