Monday 25 September 2006


Well the long week-end can be summarised with lots of 'ing words. Driving, Bowling, Hustling, Running Shopping, Walking, Running, Flying & Rowing etc.

Let's see on Friday I got my new car. I started driving it home, and then realised I hadn't insured it yet, so proceeeded to drive and talk on the phone to the insurance company (pretending I didn't actually have it yet!) through the rush hour traffic. I arrived home in tact, and the car is now insured.

Here he is (I have decided he is a male, and names so far are Andy Pandy (lame) or Basil).
More pics can be seen here.

After that Richard and I met my colleagues for a quick dinner at Nando's (which I haven't eaten for ages and which was YUMMY), before we went ten-pin bowling. This was only the third time I had ever been bowling. There were 10 of us, so we split into 2 teams of 5, and were competing for a top score between us all.

In the first game (is that what it's called?) I didn't do too well. I was still too much in my head and not just feeling what to do, so I ended up coming 3rd last. Blah. But after a few beers to loosten me up, the second game went much better and I was leading for quite a long time, until Richard (who is annoyigly good at just about everything) suddenly blasted ahead with several strikes in a row. I ended up finishing third, with a respectable score of 110, with my manager beating me by one point and Richard with about 145. It was fun though.

We weren't quite ready to go home yet, so we popped into Stones across the road for another drink. Stones is a pool bar. Richard used to play pool quite often, and is pretty darn good. I used to mostly watch, and would occasionally join in for a doubles game, where Richard could more than make up for my lack of skill. Neither of us have played for yonks - probably 7+ years now. We were with 2 other guys and they were going to play pool while I watched. We were waiting for a table where 3 young girls were playing (how do you play pool with 3 people??). After watching them for a few minutes I got the giggles because they were really bad. All 3 of them. I couldn't help myself from laughing because after 20 minutes they hadn't sunk a single ball between them. Richard went to speak to them to see if he could challenge them. They decided to rather leave, and then the guys we were with left too.

So now Richard had the table, and it was just the 2 of us. I agreed to attempt to play against him, fearing total humiliation on my part, and thinking perhaps I shouldn't have laughed at those girls.... but I surprised myself. Richard was not playing really hard, and I was WAY better than I expected, and managed to keep a reasonable pace against him, sinking something on most of my shots, or at least lining something up for next time. Richard did beat me, but I only had 3 balls left by then. After that I sunk those 3 in 3 shots. Go me! Another guy challenged Richard after that, and lost pretty badly. He asked Richard where he normally plays, and if he plays often, and couldn't believe that he hasn't played at all for so long. He claims that no one usually beats him. hahaha.

On Saturday I ran to Claremont (about 4km) - with my credit card in my pocket. Nothing like exercising your body and credit card at the same time! It's the ultimate in multi-tasking me-thinkes. I was off to visit my very favorite factory shop. Yes, I'll admit I am a factory shopper, so there! The shop in question was closing down, and everything was going for 50% off, now note that the prices are already amazing, so with 50% off they were virtually giving the stuff away. I have previously bought some amazing things there, for very reasonably prices. I found some lovely kids clothes (track suits, t-shirts, jerseys etc) and a nice pair of cargo pants and t-shirts and exercise clothes for me. I walked out with a huge bag full, about as much as I could carry, all for R250. Score!

After that I run/walked (about 2km) to my rental property were Rich and the boys were doing some minor handy-man tasks, before the new tenants arrive this week. We then went home for lunch, and then met Lindy in Newlands forest for a walk with the boys. They were moaning a fair amount and being a bit bratty (it is better to do that kind of thing in the morning I have discovered), but in the end they actually enjoyed it despite themselves. I also forgot that it helps to give them a lolli-pop or somethng at the start of a walk, because that gives them the sugar rush they need to keep up.

On Saturday night we did our bit for Heritage day by having a braai and watching rubbish on TV.

On Sunday my alarm went off at 6am. I considered turning it off and going back to sleep, but then decided to stick to my Guns (pun intended) and get up and get ready, by 6:30 I was on my way to the Gun Run. I arrived in plenty of time and got mysef right to the front of the 10km start. Where I got to see the celebrity runners, Schalk Burger, Breyton Paulse, Kurt Schoonraad etc. At 7:30am the gun went off (an army cannon) and everybody got a huge fright and screamed, and then the adrenaline kicked in so we ran. LOL. I wasn't feeling hugely strong and energetic, and kept telling myself to just get to 4km and then I could stop and walk for a bit. I kept plodding along, and at the first water point (at about 2.5km in) there were some KFM people cheering, and one guy on a microphone cheering people on with motivational comments. As I passed he said 'Hey I know you, you train at Virgin Active!'. I was like huh, you talking to me?! and somehow that spurred me on and gave me more energy. The route got more interesting after that as we ran around the Table Bay Hotel and through the waterfront, past Cantina Tequila (hmmm tequila!), and over the swing bridge and on past the Cape Grace Hotel. I kept going and made it to 7.5km before I had a very brief walk (30 secs maybe) and then ran again.

The last 2 km was easy. As I got back to the staduim I gave a last burst to try to finish quickly and managed to get in at 53:33! WooHoo! A medic at the finish asked if my heart rate was ok. LOL. I don't know if I looked like I was dying, but I felt absolutely fine. I think the last spurt made me look pretty flushed though, and I do get rather red in the face when I am hot anyway.

I wenthome - got photographed by Quinn, showered and dressed before the guys were even ready to go to the airshow, so we all went to together, in the Panda. He coped well despite having 4 us us loaded in, and the air con didn't affect the drive at all. The air-show was really fun, and we were there the whole day. I really loved the huge Boeing which flew over really low twice and the pilot was being broadcast on the speakers so we could hear what he was doing, and they played that aria (not sure what it's called Pavarotti sings it and BA used it in an ad), which was very moving and evocative. The jets were awesome, especially the Gripens and the shiny black one, and we really enjoyed the army display village with tanks, trucks and vehicles which the kids could climb on and in. We also got to see a Rooi Valk helicopter close and speak to the pilot, and look at some of the weaponry (mock-ups!) up close. It was definately worth going to.

By Sunday evening I was really tired though and fell asleep before 8pm.

Monday was spent doing some light exercising and socialising at the gym, treadmill walking and running and rowing.. The kids swam afterwards while we chatted and drank coffee etc. In the afternoon we went to see the Ant Bully, which was better than I expected.

I watched Grey's Anatomy (and cried when the old lady died) and then 6 Feet Under, and was shell shocked and speachless when that ended. Whew!

The end.


  1. the song you're talking about is Deliebe' (spelling?)Flower Duet, if you talking about the BA ad from some years back...

    Congrats on your run.

  2. FYI, i bawled when the old lady died in Greys Anatomy, had to leave straight after to fetch ronnie from the airport with eyes all read and puffy! he didnt notice though! felt quite silly! Eyes still puffy this morning! Only realised you left an actual message on my phone late on Sunday after i had smsed you to ask you how your race went. Fifty three minutes is BRILLIANT!! VERY WELL DONE TO YOU!!! I cant believe how well you are running!!! I am quite jealous, i have never run anything in 53 minutes!!!Well done! you should be VERY proud of yourself!
    And your car is super!! love that colour!

  3. read=red....cant spell today!

  4. Ok, it turns out that the song they played was Pavarotti's signature 'Nessun dorma' from 'Turandot' by Puccini, which may or may not have been used by BA at some point, but it's not that other BA song which was, apparently Aria by Yanni (???)

  5. originally deliebe's flower duet, later 'aria on air' redone by malcom mclaren for BA (remember all the people prancing around in the desert in the shape fo the earth?)

    Nessum Dorma - what a beautiful tear-jerker!

    congrats on the 53 mins - sounds like you're a fast chick, and not just coz of your car!
