Thursday 26 October 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

I have just now returned from seeing Al Gore's movie 'An Inconvenient Truth', and WOW. It is horrifying!

My first impressions are that if I thought I hated the States, and more specifically the Bush family before, I loathe them now! However that is not really the aim of the film at all, so I am going to try hard not to focus on that side effect of watching the film, too much. **

I am still reeling from the facts revealed, and am determined not to, as he says in the film, 'Go from denial straight to despair, missing that all important step in between which is to DO something'.

Although there is much more I can, and will be doing, I am proud to report that all light bulbs in our household are already low energy bulbs, and I have also recently replaced my car with a very fuel efficient, and low emission model. I use water sparingly, and make a point not to be wasteful in general as much as possible. I also re-use shopping bags multiple times. I am going to try to build further on this and do more recycling, as we only do paper recycling through the school at the moment, and will try to use less processed and over-packaged goods. It is important for everyone to start doing their small part, because each small contribution can and does help. Additionally, each of the things you can do to help save the planet ALSO save you money. I mean d'oh how hard can making that choice really be...?

Admittedly, I did not know very much about Al Gore before, but I am hugely impressed by him. He is a warm, intelligent, articulate and principled man - all of which clearly counted against him in his election campaign. Although it is not directly stated, or even really implied, in the film, it is clear to me that the election results the year he ran were totally rigged. The debacle with the Florida recount was to swing the vote, as they couldn't possibly have a free-thinking principled environmentalist running the country(!) in place of the village-idiot puppet oil-heir.

The main website for An Inconvenient Truth is here. Go take a look at it.

The Brittish version is here.

For reviews of this movie look here:

"Will likely make you admire Al Gore a little more than you already do, worry about the planet a lot more than you already do, and finally, leave you with as many questions as when you started. -Michael Booth"

"I can't think of another movie in which the display of a graph elicited gasps of horror, but when the red lines showing the increasing rates of carbon-dioxide emissions and the corresponding rise in temperatures come on screen, the effect is jolting and chilling. Photographs of receding ice fields and glaciers — consequences of climate change that have already taken place — are as disturbing as speculative maps of submerged coastlines. The news of increased hurricane activity and warming oceans is all the more alarming for being delivered in Mr. Gore's matter-of-fact, scholarly tone.

He speaks of the need to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions as a "moral imperative," and most people who see this movie will do so out of a sense of duty, which seems to me entirely appropriate. Luckily, it happens to be a well-made documentary, edited crisply enough to keep it from feeling like 90 minutes of C-Span and shaped to give Mr. Gore's argument a real sense of drama. As unsettling as it can be, it is also intellectually exhilarating, and, like any good piece of pedagogy, whets the appetite for further study. This is not everything you need to know about global warming: that's the point. But it is a good place to start, and to continue, a process of education that could hardly be more urgent. "An Inconvenient Truth" is a necessary film. - By A. O. SCOTT"

Another good review is here.

I urge everyone to see this movie. It should literally change your life. Honestly.

** I can NOT understand why the good people in the States do not DO something about the insanity they are living in and with. Perhaps they are like the frog analogy Al Gore uses, and are just too complacent to jump, even though the water is starting to boil around them. (See the movie to understand this)


  1. I have seen the trailer for this movie and have been far too afraid to watch it, especially since I've arrived here in London, as I ahve seen the difference in the weather from when I was here in '99. England may as well be in the tropics - gone is the idea of a cold grey play all year long - we've had temperatures here hitting 36 and 39 degrees - insane!

    I think that the "good people" in the US you ask about are, like most, afraid and poorly educated on this monster that is presenting itself, and this movie must be the first in a series of shock eductional offerings that get major action going.

    I know that we are very aware of recycling here in London, with people being fined for not sorting their gargabe etc - but is it enough? I too am inclined to want to say - it's not my problem - leave it for those who come after - the thing is, that previous generations have said and done the same things and it IS my probloem now - everytime there's a heatwave, it's my problem, everytime a flood ravages a town somewhere, it's my problem.

    London has had it's three hottest months on record. We've had SEVERAL twisters here - in ENGLAND for God's sake! No-one can deny this is happening - it's real and it's now.

  2. Yep, also from the movie, the 10 hotest years ever recorded have all occurred in the last 14 years, and the hottest of all was 2005.

    The result of the added heat is increased sea temperatures, which directly energise the weather systems making them faster and more violent... it's a chain reaction.

    To me this movie helped to show that we can ALL make a difference and if we all do our little bit we can stabilise and even possibly reverse this terrifying trend. We don't have to shrug and shake our helds and act helpless.

    I did not realise that Gore comes from a geography background and was part of a team studying global warming way back when, he is not (just) a political animal after power. He was looking to use power as a vehicle to implement possitive change - which I believe was deliberately shut down as the US big-business was scared they would be cut off or threatened in some way. As a result they have remained as one of only 2 countries who have not signed the Kyoto agreement and their vehicles have the worst fuel effiecency and emmision rates you can get.

    Plus they contrubute about 35% of ALL CO2 emissions world wide.
    i.e. the US alone contributes more than all of Africa, Australia, Asia, and and and. It's simply inexcusable...
