Friday 27 October 2006

Jane reading Scott Adams' blog...

Scott Adams (yes, he of Dilbert fame) has become one of the people I most respect recently. I think he has a brilliant mind and his caustic and irreverent and often very humorous take on most topics is simply illuminating and usually hillarious, and right on the mark. I also enjoy reading the debate which rages in the comments in his blog much of which is moronic and totally missing the point, but there are some other very bright people mixed in there too.

He is extremly intelligent, but not only that he is also a hard working and applies his mind fully. I really admire him, and totally GET him. (ok maybe I am just into nerds!).

His blog has become staple reading of mine, and I have subscribed to his daily Dilbert strip for years now, as well as his Dogbert's New Ruling Class (DNRC) newsletter.

So this is me reading his blog...

P.S. Scott Adams is watching me! It is the only explanation for why his Dilbert strips mirror my life. If I start a new job, his strip is a about a new person starting. If I abuse coffee his strip is about coffee abuse. If I start debating on his blog... you get the picture. So today I had popcorn for lunch, for the first time in AGES, and what is the Dilbert strip about... you guessed it popcorn! Cue creepy music now....