Friday 3 November 2006

New Toy

/me is doing a *dance of joy*, as after many complaints, most not even from me, but from the people who have to work near me, the powers that be in the company have deemed to replace my sucky crappy laptop with a new one. Yay, and thank-you!

The real reason is that a new minion (I mean tester) has started, under my supervision, and she needed a laptop, and they didn't have another piece of crap to give here and so they had to buy a new one. I am thankful that I outrank her and so the new one is mine and the old one has been passed on to her. 'Sorrie for you!'

Not only was it old, heavy (this thing was lug-able NOT portable at 3.8kgs without the peripherals and more like 4.5kgs with power supply etc.), slow and with terrible screen resolution, but it was insanely noisy. I used to joke that it was a Boeing brand, is it sounds just like a jet engine running, and believe me that sound is not pleasant 9+ hours a day every day. The result was by lunch time every day I had a headache and felt like crap.

The new one is an HP Compaq nx6310, and I can't even hear it at all.

This is the suck0rz one ->

So the only down side is that our work area is open planned so the old crate is still in ear shot of me, but believe me 5 meters away is a huge improvement on 30cm away.

So the people that work near us will still have cause for complaint, but I am happy.