Thursday 28 December 2006

Birth Buddies is born

Well I have put together a site for my newly hatched doula service (birth companion) venture.


Please take a look and give me feedback. Any comments or criticism or suggestions are very welcome.

If you know anyone in or around Cape Town that would like to hire a doula, call me!


What is a doula?
A birth doula is a trained labor support person who provides emotional and physical support to a laboring woman and her partner. While she is not a medical professional, she can offer a wide range of comfort measures during labor - from massage to aromatherapy to continuous reassurance and coping techniques.

Women supported by a doula during labor have been shown to have:

50% reduction of caesarean rate
25% shorter labor
60% reduction in epidural requests
30% reduction in analgesia use
40% reduction in forceps delivery


  1. I am sure you will be absolutely great in this field! Wishing you all the best!

  2. My one friend is pregnant with her 2nd child and doesn't want to go for a cesearean again. I told her about the doula, she was very interested - pity she stays in Pta - to far from Cape Town!
