Tuesday 12 December 2006

Uncle Paul's Christmas Party

So Saturday was our annual pilgrimage to the Uncle Paul's Christmas party. It has become one of our (few) Christmas time traditions., this being the 4th time we have attended.

The first 2 times it was just Richard the kids and I, last year it was just a friend and our 4 kids, and this year we had 4 couples and 8 kids, so it was quite fun. I also bumped into an old friend (KathyP) and her family there. I haven't seen her for several years.

It is by no means the highlight of the adult social calendar, but it is magical for the kids (and more than bearable as an adult) and well worth going to. As well as being charitable. The format was the same as the other years - heck I think it's been exactly the same for all of the 50 years they have been hosting these parties!

The tractor ride it always fun and slightly nerve-wracking, and the arrival of Father Christmas and the 'faerie' and lighting the Christmas tree is always quite special. The boys know exactly what happens when and were very comfortable there. They both got water pistols from 'Father Christmas' this time. Quinn brought it to me and said, 'Next year can you, I mean can Father Christmas rather get me a pellet gun please?'.

It was a bit cold and windy at times, and the straw fight gave me a nice case of hay fever for 2 days afterwards, but we will be back again next year I am sure.....


  1. lol No more believe in old Christmas Father there! Quintus still firmly believes - or that is what he wants me to believe

  2. Can i come can i come??? pleeeez

  3. Melany: I am pretty sad that it;s over actually, but I have sworn him to silence with Griffin. He had a friend over to sleep last night and he told her though. She just seemed to think he was crazy and didn't believe him ;)

    Lindy: Sure you can come! But you can't get a present from Father Christmas unless you are under 8 years old. You are welcome to behave like a child though. I do!

  4. OMG - has it been 4 years since we did Christmas together? SNIFF!
