Wednesday 17 January 2007

Back to School

Then & Now. First Day of Grade 1 vs First Day of Grade 2...

Quinn first days - Grade 1 vs Grade 2

Quinn started Grade 2 today. I took him into his class and got him settled in. As usual he was very calm, confident and nonchalant about it all. He takes it all in his stride. His class is fairly shuffled, but he knows most of the boys who are in his class so he is happy. His teacher is new so we'll see how she turns out.

Griffin started Grade R (aka Grade 0) and he is very 'chuffed' to be in the oldest class at school now. No longer a littlie and no longer in a shadow. He is thrilled.

Griffin Grade R, Quinn Grade 2

Surprisingly even after such a long holiday I am slightly sad that we are back to school and back to the usual grind stone and routine. The holiday didn't seem long at all, and we really enjoyed it thoroughly. But I am thankful that my boys love school and never complain about going. They enjoy learning and socialising.


  1. supercool!

    G looks like he has a bit of the devil in him, which is a good thing - it'll keep his mum on her toes!

    Q seems a confident young man!

  2. Your boys are very cute!
    It's amazing how quickly kids grow-up.

  3. Griffin doesn't look too happy in that pic ;) Sure he was much happier when he got home? Quinn really is such a great guy.
    How was their first day?

  4. Mel: He really was happy he just doesn't act very natural in front of a camera, and his swollen lip makes it look like he is sulking. he is so impressed at being in the big class, and today he told me, 'I practise on the monkey bars and exercise EVERY day so that I will be ready for grade 1 next year'. He has had to have Pysio and OT to help with some muscle tone issues, so there has been some question as to whether he will be ready next year...

  5. I wanted to add that Quinn dresses himself completely each day now, including all buttons, laces and even his tie...
