Wednesday 10 January 2007

Lose weight now - ask me how!

I saw the funniest t-shirt the other day 'I gained 20lbs - ask me how!'. LOL.

So I hit the gym last night after my first day back at work. I braved the scale... closing my eyes for a few seconds afraid to see what it was going to read - and pondering just how much I would regret my holiday laziness and over indulging...

Well I was down a kilogram! And about the lowest I have been for a good few months. Go figure!? WTF???

So my diet advice - eat more, exercise less!

After that I was less inclined to be all exercise-hyper, so I did a 40 minute treadmill session and then went home to make dinner! :)


  1. Dont you just love that when it happens? Lol! Actually, i wouldnt know, cos its never happened to me!!!!! :((((

  2. If I say I hate you would you blame me ???? lol I have yet to put myself on a scale. TOO afraid!!!

  3. I wish I could get my ass into they gym - I am just so lazy when it comes to that. To make matters worse, we have a gym right here in our office building LOL.

  4. I have been starting to excercise and have been watching my diet very closely. I can gather from my clothes that I have been losing weight, but the scale tells differently- always one kilo up or the weight stays the same :-(
