Saturday 17 February 2007


Quinn joined Cubs a few weeks ago, and is thoroughly enjoying it.

He is yet to be invigilated, but already knows the Cub Law, Cub Promise and the salute. So he'll be well ready when it happens.

He has already learned about purifying water various ways, has made water bombs, roasted marshmallows, played broken telephone and used tin-can & string 'phones' and played various ball games etc.

Last night they were trying out for swimming badges. Quinn was keen to try. They had to:
- Swim 5 lengths of the pool.
- Swim another 5 lengths of the pool in a different stroke - he swam (mostly under water) breast stroke.
- Tread water for at least a minute.
- Float on back for at least a minute.
- Dive in from the side of the pool.
- 'Duck Dive' - stand in the pool and dive straight down to your feet (as if to fetch a coin that sunk).
- Dive in with shorts and t-shirt on and tread water in the centre of the pool and remove clothing.

Snorkel Swimming *
Treading water
Swimming lengths
He managed to do all of this, and so he'll be getting a badge. :) Yay!

Next time he'll try for the 'Aquanaught' badge which involves more diving and snorkel work and 20 lengths, plus 10 in clothes.

*Note: I realised I was making the poor child swim with a snorkel and only eye goggles. I forgot you need full goggles which cover your nose to be able to use a snorkel properly and not not inhale water through your nose! The situation has been rectified and Quinn now has a proper snorkel with an appropriate mask. This will make that 'Aquanaught' badge a hell of a lot easier! LOL.


  1. This looks like so much fun. I tried to get Tristan to join cubs but he told me to "go away" LOL.

  2. Congratulations Quinn!
    We don't have swimming at Quintus's school at all

  3. This swimming was at one of the scouter's, Bagheera,'s house. But the school has swimming too. They swim once a week during class, and can take after school lessons too. They have the annual big swim coming up soon.
