Thursday 1 February 2007


Ok last night's rant was a bit heavy. So today I promise to keep it light. Well not completely actually...

You see I am still not feeling well and since I hadn't been able to take a day off work, due to being to busy at the moment, I have had to forgo my plans of going to gym for the last 2 days.

So this evening I got home, and having an evening free is exceedingly unusual for me, and I had nothing scheduled or requiring immediate crisis management. Oh wow!

But I couldn't just sit with my legs up - no not me, so I did the next best thing. Raid the kitchen cupboards! After a nibbling on a couple of things I found a long forgotten packet of bran muffin mix. Cool!

Just add milk, an egg and some oil... oh and because I was feeling all inspired and creative some:
- grated carrot
- peanut butter
- dates
- raisins
- sunflower seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- cashew nuts
- cinnamon
- ginger

The kids came past saying 'Eeuuw, we don't like bran muffins', and 'Why are you putting CARROTS in them, yuck!'

The results shown below.
The 3 boys just ate 2 each and are begging for another - but I am making them wait till after dinner, evil grin. They are rather yummy if I do say so myself...

That was fun!


  1. Oh firstly - from your previous posting where you mentioned you couldn't post directly from work - there is an email function (just as with flickr) where you can type up your blog in an email format and then mail it in and it will be posted for you. You then just add your pics etc from home...

    As for this posting - you and I are going to do some serious cooking when I get home, missy!

  2. Can i have one??? I just lurv muffins!!!!
