Tuesday 13 March 2007

Nurse - always been in the stars...?

I remembered about my first Nurse encounters/dablings last night... and decided to dig out a photo.

Now I never did Boy Scouts/Cubs or Girl Guides/ Brownies. No, not me. I was a St John's Ambulance cadet! And the youngest by far in our brigade (the 14th Northcliff Brigade as I recall). I was all of about 9 years old at the time.

I can tie a reef and other knots, dress a wound several ways, do CPR, mix up a poultice, clean bed sores, change a bed (with or without a person in it) compete with 'hospital corners', and even make fake wounds for demonstration purposes (tissue paper and Vaseline can make a mean fake blister; and putty, chicken bones and Mercurochrome make convincing wrist wounds!*

I think I did a full 2 years of St John's, and even did a fair amount of community service involving volunteering at marathons and rubbing Vaseline into grown men's sweaty and stiff thighs (remember I was 9 years old). Actually it explains quite a lot....

Like my recent debaucherous foray into nursing...

* bet you didn't know that about me!


  1. Wow..didn't know that at all...and then you went into IT? What happened lol

  2. Oh Jane, you look so sweet in that uniform!

  3. You were a cute nurse then and a cute nurse now! lol...mind you, i suppose, you turned into a HOT nurse looking at the MCQP version! lol.
