Sunday 1 April 2007

Quinn the musician

This week Quinn also had his first ever music concert - at school.

All beginner music students had a turn to show case their talents - some amazingly well, some far less so. One poor little guy really struggled with his clarinet... ;)

Quinn has started recorder lessons this year, as we thought that was a good introduction to music and he can move on from there once he has a basic grasp.

The concert was lovely. Instead of sitting around still and quietly they made it a dinner event. The hall was set up with decorated tables and each family was requested to bring a light picnic dinner (al a Kirstenbosch sun set concerts), it was lovely, festive and social. he boys got to eat and mingle with us, and only had to assemble a few minutes before they were due to perform.

Quinn was selected to play in a group which would be performing a simple 3-note tune called 'Old MacDonald Tutes is Flute'.

He was by far the youngest and smallest in his group.

Arriving on stage with his group.
About to start playing.
He did very well, and afterwards declared that it was 'easy'.

I also won the lucky draw, and walked away with a R100 Musica voucher. Score! :)

1 comment:

  1. I always wanted to learn the recorder in Primary school but never did. lol.
    Way to go on the Musica Voucher. How cool is that!?!!!
