Saturday 12 May 2007

Jake Camara

Quinn has a hat with a picture of Che Guevara on it. (To prove it Griffin just saw this picture and said "That's the man on Quinn's hat")

Incidentally this is "the most famous photograph in the world and a symbol of the 20th century."

Anyway our friend also has a huge poster of Che in her kitchen. Quinn saw this today and said, 'Hey that's the man who is on my hat.... Jake Camara'

Not bad recall, since the name was first and last mentioned to him about 4 months ago when he got the hat, and he has never seen it written down. It actually sounds pretty right if you had just heard it. I was impressed!

He just came and saw the picture now and said, 'He was like Robin Hood, he stole from the rich to give to the poor'. Not sure where he got that from...

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