Wednesday 25 July 2007

The boys yesterday

Quinn as usual - clowning around...

He nearly went to school like that - he put the glasses on the next morning and nearly forgot to take them off when we got to school! LOL.

Griffin eating a tomato (the most delicious little baby Rosa tomato ever from Woollies)

Can you see how much he LOVES tomatoes?! I only made him eat one, Quinn and I had about 10 each!


  1. LOL - love those glasses. Maybe I should wear some like that to work.

    Tristan also HATES tomatoes - although he will DROWN his food in tomato sauce.

  2. LOL - do they still make those crazy specs?? I had a similar pair when I was a kid (about 45 years ago) and I used to love wearing them and making people jump! Go, Quinn!!
