Sunday 15 July 2007

Captain Underp@nts

I ordered a Captain Underp@nts book for Quinn, in the hopes that he would read it over the holidays.

It worked...

He read it to Griffin,

Wrote a thank-you letter to me,
Typed the letter out, and
played 'Captain Underp@nts' with his brother.

See books can provide endless amusement! Especially when the characters are: Captain Underp@nts, Professor PP Poopypants, The Bionic Booger Boy etc.


  1. I'm going to have to find those books for Bradlet :)

  2. He has such a neat handwriting! Impressive. It's great when they enjoy reading. I actually just took Quintus and Jason to the library today - for the first time *yes hanging my head in shame lol*

  3. LMAO!! Why weren't those books around when I was a kid? I loved my Enid Blyton and Bobbsey Twins books, but there was nothing in them about real-life kid stuff such as poopy pants and booger boys!!! Last year I actually bought a book in the kid section of a bookshop, called "Walter The Farting Dog". I just couldn't resist that... it reminded me of my husband.
