Monday 30 July 2007

Gingerbread Men

What can you do on a Cape Town Evening when it is cold and raining and you are sick and the kids haven't been able to play outside in over a week?


We have Gingerbread Men (and Teddies) baking in our oven right now...

Step 1: Mix up the dough and kneed well.

Step 2: Roll out the dough, cut into whatever shape you want, place on a baking sheet and decorate...go wild!
Griffin said, 'I LOVE this, it makes me feel like wanting to do this every day!'
Step 3 : Bake and eat....

...Or if you are like me, blog about it while they are in the oven and burn them instead! ARGH!!!
Ok time to go botch dinner...


  1. I wish I had the patience to do this with my kids. I really suck at that.

  2. Oooh yummy!
    I should really do it with Bradley.

  3. How easy is it to burn stuff in the oven when you get sidetracked on the computer...blogging, what else! been there done that!
