Sunday 26 August 2007

A day on Lion's Head

Well, with Griffin injured he wisely opted to stay at home to be pampered by dad and given free reign to watch TV and play computer games. But Quinn and I went up Lion's Head today.

Unfortunately we weren't blessed with yesterday's idyllic weather, but still the light was mostly great and there is loads of new growth and flowers all over the mountain it was really beautiful. It was even fun getting rained on on the way down.

We joined a friend, 2 of her daughters and one of her Siberian Husky dogs and off we went.

Here are a few photos from today:

Quinn at the mini caves half way up Lion's Head

At the top - with grey skies above. It was quite windy & chilly up there and the mist started to roll in too, making so of the tourists a bit nervous.

Climbing down the ladder on the way down (the dog had to be carried up and down the ladders!)

and the infamous chains...

I always LOVE going up Lion's Head. It's good for the body, mind and soul! :)


  1. That looks like so much fun!

  2. OMG that's the chain I hated climbing! Imagine - me - with TWO ex-girlfriends, both of whom I left for I setting the scene for murder...
