Tuesday 21 August 2007

Rocking the Daisies again

So last year we Rocked the Daisies. And despite it raining most of the time and being pretty cold and not very well attended it was really fun!

So we are going back again this year (preggy ladies permitting) and will be...

I think this year should be GREAT. We have had loads of rain so there may actually be daisies, hopefully the rain with stop by then, and I am sure those that went last year will be back and will bring friends.

Here's what I wrote last year before we went, and this is what I wrote after the event.

I was just browsing their on-line Gallery from last year and found a picture of Griffin in there :)

Cute! More pics from last year, including some of mine can be found HERE and here

The line up rocks again:

So if you are in or around Cape Town do yourself a favour and get there!

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