Tuesday 7 August 2007


I am studying for my doula exam on Saturday which will allow me to call myself a Certified Doula (CD) - if I pass that is.

I was not really worried about it, I have a good grip on the material (even if I haven't actually READ the file yet, I am still planning too promise!) .... until Richard reminded me that I threw in the towel on my Engineering degree. He said something like, 'Wow you are actually going to finish this... not chuck it in like you did with Electronic Engineering. So it MUST be your calling'

I think it was meant to be encouraging. So why am I feeling unsettled and all nervous now? ;)


(I do think I will be fine though, I love this and 'studying' it is really not like work for me, I enjoy the reading, and do seem to absorb it and retain it well.)

Think of me at 9am on Saturday.


  1. Jane, I am sure you'll pass! Good luck and I'll be thinking of you :)

  2. I will definitely be thinking of you. I'm sure you can do it...you love this, you want this,you can do this
